The preprint of my main thesis work is live! #condensin #chromatin #generegulation #celegans 🪱
Q: Can DPY-27 hydrolyze ATP like other SMC proteins and is this function required for dosage compensation?
So we said, let's kill the ATPase and see what happens. Luckily for us, DPY-27 is really similar to other SMC proteins
We actually ended up with 2 worms, the ATPase dead mutant (EQ) and an insert-deletion (indel) which phenocopied other condensin null mutants. We decided to use the indel as comparison for the ATPase dead mutant
(there were some days of lying on the ground and contemplating existence)
Our mutant worms demonstrate that losing this ATPase function is equally severe to losing the functional protein (EQ vs indel worms).