previous jobs 👀
- ice cream shop at a mall (hated busy times but overall second best job I've had lmao, also the first)
- front desk for a shady after-school program company
- a literal scam 🤪
- accounting 🗿
- various medical places that sucked ass
- campus store
- ice cream shop at a mall (hated busy times but overall second best job I've had lmao, also the first)
- front desk for a shady after-school program company
- a literal scam 🤪
- accounting 🗿
- various medical places that sucked ass
- campus store
Reposted from
Keezy Young🌼ECCC O-02
previous jobs:
-candle factory (under the table, underage lmao. not as dramatic as it sounds)
-diner dishwasher
-barista at a nonprofit cafe for troubled kids (I was one of them haha)
-after school art teacher at a middle school
-elementary school tutor
-grounds maintenance at a school
-candle factory (under the table, underage lmao. not as dramatic as it sounds)
-diner dishwasher
-barista at a nonprofit cafe for troubled kids (I was one of them haha)
-after school art teacher at a middle school
-elementary school tutor
-grounds maintenance at a school