It’s tough. I served and was part of the surge, 18 months under an Iraqi sun, ruins of Babylon blistered around me, stepping over the sandal prints of Macedonian with my combat boots. I’ve seen friends die there and after when they couldn’t take it. I cry when the star spangle banner plays now.
I sympathize. When things are rocky, folks often look for the easy answer. Populists will promise the moon on a stick.
If it is much consolation, there is going to be a baked-in buyers remorse. Pretty much by necessity, attitudes will change when the gloss drips off, revealing an ugly article.
I’m with you. It’s super irritating to me that the wacko Maga crazies have hijacked the word patriot And use it to define behaviors that are divisive and have nothing to do with supporting the founding principles of this country or make it a better place to live for now and for future generations. 🥺
I agree with this sentiment, but don’t forget that the fight for justice is never over and it never follows a straight path.
Make sure to balance your shame for where we are now with a feeling of pride for all the incredible people in this country who are still fighting that good fight.
can't stand on the sidelines; need to join the movements forming. think about Aleppo falling yesterday from the "insurgent movement" demanding democracy.
My generation pretty much fouled the pool with unrestrained materialism. I worry more about younger generations having less opportunities due to the concentration of wealth into 1500 families.
at 69 my gen had the same concern and i will say my parents and grandparents too. there was never a dime not earned and a day without labor; we also had "family" dinner each night even if it was a bowl of beans, we sat together and listened to each other. there was no gendered roles for us kids-
we all learned to work on the family car, yardwork, cooking, cleaning, etc 4 girls 1 boy. once a month we would all get down on our hands and knees and scrape the old wax off the linoleum, spread down the new, buff it out, put our socks on and slide down the hallway (our reward).
I had 3 sisters and was the only boy. My family was poor and lived like yours. I was the first kid to go to college. I worked full time and went to school full time, graduated in four years. poverty and manual labor drove my ambition.
male versus female-do you ever consider that women in my age group were paid 47% less than a man and it has affected our lives so greatly that even my SSI is on 1400 a month? Also I do not wish anyone to suffer: I only want people to be responsible and responsible to each other-
I actually group up in a middle class family, and my brothers and sister are business owners. Our Dad taught us hard work, perseverance and honesty. He taught us well.
I literally just posted this quote by AOC—>“….perhaps we are in the downfall of the broken way…..inequity, injustice were not built to last.….from that, something new can spring. And so maybe something is declining right now, but maybe it deserves to decline.”
—THE Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Easy peasy. The third of the population who sat out the 2024 election need to suffer enough under project 2025 that they show up in 2026 and vote out all the Republicans
That would also require the dems run on a platform that resonates with the average American. I hope for the best but fear for the inevitable Gavin Newson.
I would like Corey Booker but will support whoever gets nominated. I suspect middle america didn't support Kamala because much of the country despises California, being a woman and black might not have stopped her without the California curse.
I never thought I would have the day where I start hoping for and cheering on the leaders of other countries who are pushing back on the politics of the USA....but it is what it is now
When you were last proud? I was briefly when Obama was elected. Otherwise, I feel we are hypocritical with phony patriotism. The “greatest nation in the world” can’t provide economic stability for all, ensure its vulnerable are taken care of, fed, housed. The uneducated are used for cannon fodder
I have only been proud of this country for brief moments, we always seem to slide back into ugliness. I’m hoping for prolonged pride but I’m not holding my breath.
If it is much consolation, there is going to be a baked-in buyers remorse. Pretty much by necessity, attitudes will change when the gloss drips off, revealing an ugly article.
Make sure to balance your shame for where we are now with a feeling of pride for all the incredible people in this country who are still fighting that good fight.
He is a selfish, vile, pathetic man.
—THE Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
I’m sad to say, many of us feel the same way here, as our politics are heading down the same road.
Take pride in upholding the truest values your country was founded on. That hasn’t changed.
As far as my country is concerned....
Ain't found one yet
What a big step forward for our country that could’ve been.