The Best Robot Stories (According to K)
3 key ingredients
1: the robot's immense power
2: the robot's immense vulnerability
3: the way both are useful to society
mix well (vulnerability becomes power, power becomes vulnerability, society exploits the connections) and you get a good robot
3 key ingredients
1: the robot's immense power
2: the robot's immense vulnerability
3: the way both are useful to society
mix well (vulnerability becomes power, power becomes vulnerability, society exploits the connections) and you get a good robot
most robot fiction is annoyingly 'topic-oriented', with a robot as social driver but not necessarily a character or perspective
if i think of any recs myself i'll let you know. i feel like i've been itching for a good literary exploration of a non-anthropoid robot's subjectivity.
all I can say is that most of the stuff I see hasn't moved on from I, Robot