Do you have a hobby or project or passion or ritual or routine that allows you to maintain the reassuring rhythm of everyday life during these anything-but-normal times? For me, it's working on my novel for a couple of hours every weekday morning. That's proving to be a huge emotional anchor for me.
I don't actually care if it's not any good though. I don't play it in front of others. I make the music for myself to hear.
Trimming, watering, and admiring my llants makes the grey days brighter
Or maybe to a warmer space?
I nestle them about 5 ft from a heater during the wintertime
And always away from windows during a freeze
Have a great day!
I use the morning pages to clear my head before I start the day and use the walking to clear my head, and heal my heart, whenever I feel the need the rest of the day.