Funding cut to fed Ag programs for farmers, vets being fired, MAGA (the largest recipient of fed food aid) crying on TikTok about their SNAP benefits being cut. Trump supporters getting what they voted for, and I am here for it. The only joy in my life right now is their misery.
The very definition of being a Republican is to not care until it happens to you. All the crying from MAGA is "I thought they were going to deport/fire/lay off all the people I don't like, I didn't think it would be me"
Them to go beg Trump for money. They can go beg him to donate to their cause, maybe he will start a charity for then that he can skim from. They are on their own now
I prepared for a 2nd Trump term the moment he announced he was running again. So quite frankly I don't give a ahit what happens to his supporters. They all deserve to be hit the hardest by his choices & I look forward to the day they come crawling, crying, asking for help cause I'm gonna tell 🪡1
It already is you. You’re just not recognizing a crashing economy, suffering children and seniors, rising inflation and unemployment, isolationism and Russia parroting, deregulation of EVERYTHING, oligarchic capture, national embarrassment and on and on and on and on. Yes, we should all care!
And the overarching theme in any dictatorship is: in the end, everybody gets hit some way or another, so just because you’re not RIGHT NOW only means it’ll happen later, when you’re not capable to fight back anymore.
Good luck to all those who think they’ll be exempt somehow.
Hey, I recently learned how to get just the meme from a screenshot.
I circled the symbol at the bottom to use to bring up the brackets to frame the meme, and then I circled arrow to use to save your new meme. 😊
Members of The House—Democrat & Republican:
❌ Boycott the speech
🎭 Wear a Putin mask
🔁 Turn your back in protest
Make it clear—we won’t accept his destruction of our democracy!
Lindsey Graham is: Spineless, Coward & Traitor!
Little Marco Rubio Is: Spinless, Hypocrite, Coward & a Traitor!
Trump 0
Absolutely true, AuntRen! It’s so sad that people vote against their own interests because they are so brainwashed. It truly feels like they don’t mind suffering as long as someone else (their perceived enemies) suffer more. It’s absolutely sick.
It's how I know the average person has below-average intelligence.
Selfish people should care. Being able to see where something is going allows them to defend themselves. Instead, they gamble on instant gratification. No preparation.
Many are in the FAFO phase right now. More will be after right-wing tax cuts explode our National debt and make our currency worthless. Eggs headed to $40 a dozen.
Terrorism is the use of violence (j6th) or threats of violence (Reposting it'll be our 1776 if we lose) to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. We elected a terrorist and now his voters are mad. Trump makes more enemies by pissing on the feet of neighbors as we inch toward civil war
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Sincer Russia amassed troops at the border before invading I have been saying 'this matters to all of us' little did I realize how VERY intensely it would matter to America - no idea that the threat from within would be in the White House you just rest yes?
Yes, I was just spoken to by a member of the ymca in kcmo where I work. She requested that I not talk politics so early in the morning. That 5am was too early to hear politics.
It goes on and on, I'm in kcmo and have been trying to let people know what is happening!!! they don't get it!
...and they WILL be coming for you, unless you are one of them. Musk considers at least 99% of us to be inferior to him and just meat for the meat grinder.
First they came for the Mexicans, and I said nothing, then the Blacks, and again I stood by, then LGBTQ+, then women, then a whole political party, ... when they came for me, there was no one else left to help me.
My maga/christo-fascist coworker is getting ready to retire. His 40ish yo stepson just had a debilitating stroke.
Wondering how he'll deal with everything financially, if he loses Social Security, and his stepson can't get Medicare...
And honestly, if it all falls apart, I will rub his nose in it!
I cared even when I was able-bodied, working & making a good living. I gave time & money to those in need, as I realized that most people were closer to being homeless than millionaires. All it takes is medical issues or a lost job to bring ruin. I've been there, minus the homelessness. I was lucky.
Neither do I. Then again, my parents, who were politically active (especially mama working with state and local Dems with dad's support), raised me to think about others.
I was a little, bitty girl when mama went around getting signatures for the ERA. Mama even worked for the city government.
Some people simply do not have the neurological capability for empathy. Some people simply will never give a shit even when it’s them that’s the target they will care only so much as it will stop their own suffering.
Yeah, that should be aimed towards all the couch potatoes that sat on their ass, thinking their vote didn’t count. They’re the real reason why this shit has happened to all of us.
This is OUR TIME, people! Speak up, stand up, be heard, be seen! NOW is the time to be fearless, in the face of tyranny!
If we lose our freedom, we lose ALL. If we lose our freedom, WE LOSE everything!
Stand together.
Resist, Defy, Refuse 👊👊👊
That's just it, all that chaos hasn't funnled down to them as yet, but we all know it's only time. Honestly I can't wait until it does and that cold reality bites them in the ass on putting that sack of shit in the White House.
Them to go beg Trump for money. They can go beg him to donate to their cause, maybe he will start a charity for then that he can skim from. They are on their own now
Spread the Message!
Good luck to all those who think they’ll be exempt somehow.
I circled the symbol at the bottom to use to bring up the brackets to frame the meme, and then I circled arrow to use to save your new meme. 😊
Now its a political philosophy.
❌ Boycott the speech
🎭 Wear a Putin mask
🔁 Turn your back in protest
Make it clear—we won’t accept his destruction of our democracy!
Lindsey Graham is: Spineless, Coward & Traitor!
Little Marco Rubio Is: Spinless, Hypocrite, Coward & a Traitor!
Trump 0
Shits not real, until it affects her then she’s all about it 🙄
Selfish people should care. Being able to see where something is going allows them to defend themselves. Instead, they gamble on instant gratification. No preparation.
Then I won't care.
Selfishness has no place in polite society. No tears when apathy has unpleasant consequences. you just rest yes?
It goes on and on, I'm in kcmo and have been trying to let people know what is happening!!! they don't get it!
You really think the wealthy (blue or red) will be sending their kids to fight american nazis? gonna lead the charge? Hahahaha!
unfortunately they only care about themselves
they are starting to see trump cares for no one
Wondering how he'll deal with everything financially, if he loses Social Security, and his stepson can't get Medicare...
And honestly, if it all falls apart, I will rub his nose in it!
I was a little, bitty girl when mama went around getting signatures for the ERA. Mama even worked for the city government.
If we lose our freedom, we lose ALL. If we lose our freedom, WE LOSE everything!
Stand together.
Resist, Defy, Refuse 👊👊👊
So it only occurs to them when it affects them *directly*