I slam #resist because it’s collectively too obsessed with West Wing nonsense narratives about “mueller is coming” instead of doing the real work of a political movement, it looks for some deus ex machina savior.
Circular firing squad wins again. Please, tell us more about how a large subset of not-MAGA (many of whom don’t enjoy middle aged white guy privilege) aren’t sufficiently ideologically pure enough for you. 🙄🙄
Using this broad a brush to paint a movement of 100s of 1000s of folks, most especially women as the OP you blocked points out, isn’t the flex you think it is.
But what do I care. I’m sure you’ll block me too bc ego.
Independent Vote for President by Yr
🔴Republican🔵Democrat ⚪3rd Party
"Independent" voters are a coin flip. Always. They're portrayed as thoughtful people who carefully assess both sides in the moment and make a decision.
What they are is morons who never give a single thought to anything until the instant they cast their vote based on the last argument they heard.
I feel like your description fits swing voters most aptly, they are often cast as independents in the framing of the coverage, to suit the 'horse race' narrative.
The bulk of independent voters are already politically aligned to the left or right, but don't want to be in the two big buckets.
Also what’s with the limiting the reasons why you might have a problem with the resist crowd to just 2. And the ones that person picked showed me they haven’t been following you for any length of time.
A hashtag isn't a movement, Oliver. I read the discussion to try to get further context, but whatever.
I went out my way to follow you but we need outside the box strategies, and I am not going to waste time sniping at people who are at least doing something.
The Hashtag-Resistance is the secular version of the rapture for America's left-wing: just keep the faith and soon powerful forces will swoop in and set everything aright.
We don't need to take action, we just need to hope and wait.
How is this different from QAnon anticipating the return of JFK?
Aaron Sorkin taught a generation of liberals that politics is just Speech and Debate where a well stated argument with citations means you win. The upshot being that so many lib/left people disdain having to actually *sell* their ideology. You either agree (smart) or don't (dumb and/or bigoted).
A person can be stupid and evil. 77,000,000 mostly co-located, all at once? That's structural forces at work and we do ourselves a disservice by leaning on simple, self serving narratives about how they are all just ontologically stupid and evil.
Yup. Like most Hollywood bullshit, it's fantasy fulfillment. "If we satisfy their fantasies with happy fictions, maybe they won't rise up and execute us all." Somebody pays to put this shit on TV, and it's not called "programming" for nothing.
It's a little known fact that in 1999 America was THIS close to a Marxist uprising right up until the moment it heard the inspiring score by WG "Snuffy" Walden. If not for those cleverly shot walk-and-talk scenes we'd basically be 1930s Catalonia by now.
In more specific terms, Democrats want to win elections by thinking that the country is all like California and New York. As long as they don't understand how rural America thinks and how to get the message across, they won't win and could disappear.
I feel like if it is well argued and based in facts and reality then you don’t need to “sell” it. That is where the frustration comes from - it’s so obvious how can you not understand it?
Because we live in a chaotic information environment with different, competing sets of facts we're only ever getting secondhand. NYT coverage from Trump to Palestine is a great example about how even 'reputable' sources can be technically factual while also full of shit.
"you can escape reality, but you can't escape the consequences of escaping reality"
Or to paraphrase the natural born intellectual Mike Tyson:
"Every lib/left constructivist west wing fan has a plan, until they get punched in the face by realpolitik/life."
I'm not sure "How well does this tv show provide a rubric for organizing a political campaign" is the best rubric for grading a show but I'm curious how I Love Lucy or Fawlty Towers fit in based on it.
He also showed everyone the depravity & BS of the Republicans & the Right, but many refused to see/hear it.
A number of episodes also contained criticism about liberals & the Democrats being terrible at "selling" & politics.
Sorkin took this further in The Newsroom.
Contra: The West Wing taught me — previously a lifelong conservative Republican but increasingly uncomfortable about the positions and the people — that liberals could be smart and compassionate. So I'll watch anything Sorkin writes or initiates.
In fairness though, it's mind boggling that it requires a "sales pitch" to convince a majority of people not to elect an obviously corrupt convicted felon who openly promised to be corrupt and commit more felonies.
I'm deeply familiar with the American education system, and yes, I was still surprised that so many of us voted for the guy who made complimentary comments about Hitler.
That is exactly how the Republicans have always wanted it. Why do you think they have always wanted to eliminate DOE. Keep them stupid so we can exploit their stupidity and get even richer.
I think part of the problem is that liberals fought for so many rights for so many people. From FDR on until just recently. And there are those who are going to say "yeah but..." refuse to remember the inequalities that were not that long ago. People think those rights were always there.
This is something I noticed with teens many have no idea that it was just a short while ago that blacks couldn't drink from a white fountain. Gays were killed for being openly gay. But they are going to witness those removals of rights and understand what the fight was for.
And I was just reading where the polling finds the increasing supporters of Donald Trump are the 19 to 28-year-olds. These are kids. And I'm assuming these are the ones have been raised by the old MAGAs. And guess who they discriminate against?
On a lesser note, he's also way overrated. Shoving as many words as possible onto every single page because you love to jack it to your own self-convinced genius isn't "good" writing. It's self-indulgent, obnoxious, and exhausting.
Libs are more apt to tell the truth than a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, uneducated, redneck MAGAt. It seems that upsets the ethically-challenged.
To be fair, I think people who don't agree with basic human rights are bigoted. Unfortunately, that trait is attached to whiteness more than anything else.
Pretty much every post from the major resistance accounts:
"HOLY SHIT! *Video no swing voter will see of Dem congressman on the House floor pointing out MAGA hypocrisy* Drumpf just got annihilated! Take that MAGA minions! BOOM!!!"
I'm not a huge fan of democrats and they make a lot of these kinds of groups. As not rich mental patient, they tend to leave folks like me out. I don't know who they resist for, but I rarely feel spoken for. Even the republican candidate was crazy as hell and the dem one couldn't say it to his face.
since when? mueller was a long time ago. and besides, people looking to special prosecutors and the courts to do their job and uphold the rule of law is not the same thing as them awaiting a messiah. maybe you’re a little addicted to this narrative, ever think of that?
I’m a boring center left liberal but I don’t think we are gonna save the country by allying with McCain staffers who created this shit in the first place. But that’s the core #resist take.
Not going to save it by spending every day ripping into people who agree with us 95% of the time. I'm always amazed by liberals capacity to make the perfect the enemy of the good. One reason GOP is successful is they don’t kill each other. Brag about your principles in the perpetual minority.
If the 5% that we disagree on is trans rights, aggressive resistance to a coup, and opposing genocide, then I'll keep ripping into them. The destruction of entire groups of people isn't a minor quibble.
Liberals criticize fellow liberals because we're trying to improve their performance. We're trying to make them more effective. It's like criticizing a writer for having written something sloppy.
Kind of an apples and oranges comparison. But when I want a fellow liberal to write more effective letters to the editor, I DO have to criticize them, even though no, I don't need to tell them what's wrong with them "every day.'
I’m muting the phrase “perfect the enemy of good,” it’s been stripped of all meaning by moderates. Also need to find a filter for sketchy accounts with no banner and a default avi
I don't know if "save the country" is something that can be done with hundreds of millions of people who can't come to a mutual understanding of what "save the country" means. People all throughout here have wildly different notions of both "save" and "country"
I understand your frustration with these groups. I think though we will have to find ways to pull everyone together. Right now I’ve gotten involved with several different groups that take very different stances, because I think we all need to work together as much as possible.
So then what with these people? We will all still be here, and have to coexist. We have to find some way to stop them trying again, and to counter whatever leads to such hateful attitudes.
How do you know trying to reach across the aisle to racists doesn't alienate non racists? As a Black person, I'd much rather have the non-racists on my side. More importantly, trying to reach out to conservatives just doesn't work:
Using this broad a brush to paint a movement of 100s of 1000s of folks, most especially women as the OP you blocked points out, isn’t the flex you think it is.
But what do I care. I’m sure you’ll block me too bc ego.
Have a great day.
Crossover 🔴 Republican Votes
2024 |ll 5% |
2020 |ll 6% |
2016 |llll 8% |
2012 |ll 6% |
2008 |llll 9% |
'24|90%🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔵 9%
🔴Republican🔵Democrat ⚪3rd Party
The needle isn't moving really w/⚪ voters.
What they are is morons who never give a single thought to anything until the instant they cast their vote based on the last argument they heard.
The bulk of independent voters are already politically aligned to the left or right, but don't want to be in the two big buckets.
Independent Democrat Republican
37% 32% 27%
I went out my way to follow you but we need outside the box strategies, and I am not going to waste time sniping at people who are at least doing something.
We are trying to stop an obvious coup
We don't need to take action, we just need to hope and wait.
How is this different from QAnon anticipating the return of JFK?
In fact, imho we tend to be very pessimistic.
As an immigrant from Europe, I find it fascinating what people think the left is.
Dems would be center right in Europe.
Or to paraphrase the natural born intellectual Mike Tyson:
"Every lib/left constructivist west wing fan has a plan, until they get punched in the face by realpolitik/life."
That's why: Wire > Wing.
Donald Trump won the presidency and Republicans have dominated legislatures with entirely fact-free campaigns.
A number of episodes also contained criticism about liberals & the Democrats being terrible at "selling" & politics.
Sorkin took this further in The Newsroom.
And, you know, entertained people because he’s a story teller.
If more people ran their business on the idea of “doing a good job” for customers & employees rather than profits, we’d be better off.
"HOLY SHIT! *Video no swing voter will see of Dem congressman on the House floor pointing out MAGA hypocrisy* Drumpf just got annihilated! Take that MAGA minions! BOOM!!!"
you: *the West Wingest nonsense I've ever seen*
go to bed, dude, you're drunk
People that worked for Bush Jr or openly supported him? Is far past that line.
I was in Iraq, it was pure chaos.
I also had good friends stationed in Mississippi on gulf coast during Katrina. Unholy mess.
Then lest we forget 2008 crash.
RT Rick Wilson tweets isn't it either or thinking Bill bloody Krystol is suddenly "reasonable."
If former Bushites and McCain picnic attendees want to genuinely change then fine, otherwise? F' em.