😂 “Cobra Chickens.” Have been hissed at while walking on my lunch break in springtime when they are mating/nesting. The black tongues are….alarming. Love these geese!
I've been teaching my kid to call all geese "cobra ducks", & had my mom relate to her the story from the perspective of a witness to what was for me & my lil sister a highly traumatic encounter w/ a gang of evil geese in Provo (Turks & Caicos) when I was maybe 5 years old. #NeverForgive #NeverForget
Wow! There are geese in a nearby park, they fly over the house every evening honking and carrying on. I enjoy it but then they aren't in my yard so....😂
1 night I looked out of the back door and they were huddled under my balcony,so this tracks. They do not give a f***. They will fight swans. On the sweet side, they are very good with the babies. They have “swim school”, there is 1 in front, 1 behind and an aunty (I’m assuming) or 2 on the sides. 🥰
I live within the Pacific Flyway and the Northwest overwintering region. We get loads of them, but also countless Snow Geese, Tundra & Trumpeter Swans, dozens of duck species, hundreds of other bird species, just millions of birds, which all help to keep the Canadas somewhat in line. For now.
I have 2 mid/large pups, occasionally they chase them away but for a short period of time. I have 6A on a lake, why can’t they just stay in the farthest section on the lake? Uuuggghhhhhh
Back in the day, they used to vacate the area for winter. We would see them in gigantic V-formations flying south, at high altitudes, reversing this in the spring.
*nervously looks over shoulder (HONK)
I’ll get to the bottom of this!
By the way: the only animal in our house was a frog 2 nights ago! 😳
Now, they don’t even bother to leave. 😒
There was a story about a woman who was feeding the geese in her front yard something DELISHUS on the daily, which attracted all their friends too.
The neighbors were just foaming at the mouth, as I would be.