In 2023, ExxonMobil, Chevron, & Shell earned over $83B in profits. They spend millions upon millions lobbying. As #California faces multi-billion dollar budget deficit, & #LAFires burn, it’s time to end industry use of Water’s Edge tax loophole & #MakePollutersPay
Climate change? Fuck us right....
Think this problem will fix itself within the system?
Climate Change
& climate-change is caused by #fossilfuels, ie ghg emissions from #oil, #coal, #gas & #methane
ecocidal maniacally enough
Just heard that oil corps just surpassed petrochemicals being extracted to make plastics for profit vs for⛽️fuel for cars 🚘profit
Weird way to
“future proof blood oil”profits
but pop off ecocidal corps
It's time to divest from fossil fuels.