I was SO worried when Ray left, him and Gord were so good. But man MJ is at least as good and maybe better. Same rapport with Gord, and very similar feel for the game.
Plus even though he is fair, MJ is clearly a Leafs fan lol, so the closest we get to "homer"
Cuthbert is like Hughson for me. I like his voice and his delivery, but his commentary is awful and pretty anti-Leaf mostly. Simpson is just awful in general.
I agree, but I am also excited when we get TSN because I know they will be fair. If the TSN guys are giving the Leafs a hard time, they deserve it. They don't downplay them when they are playing well.
Sad, that I am actually happy with that though lol.
Plus even though he is fair, MJ is clearly a Leafs fan lol, so the closest we get to "homer"
KIDDING!!! Please don't hurt me!
I liked Ray but he had a bit of that "I'm smarter than you so shut it" vibe. MJ is just pure fun.
The game doesn't exist without fans. Period. I think MJ gets that, Ray doesn't. Still generally like Ray, but I agree with your sentiment.
Sad, that I am actually happy with that though lol.