It has already started but the x usa is also russias bitch now thanks to the idiot Russia dictator and VD Vanazz. You guys stand alone with Russia against the world let that sink in.
You are the example of this happening. How many times did you say someone else had called you a nazi? Funny how you get so triggered by posts about American Nazis
I can’t help it if a bunch of crybabies claim anything they disagree with as Nazi ideology. Maybe if you actually understood what being a Nazi meant you wouldn’t dilute the word so much. It’s like the boy who cried wolf, except you’re just Dave who abused fascism 🫵😂
America isn't transitioning into Nazi's, but something more terrifying. From 47-59, America held trails to keep Communism out of the states. Although it's supposed to have vanished with the downfall of the USSR, Putin is still a Communist at heart &Trumo is showing signs of following that ideology
Absolute words of wisdom! That was my first thought when I saw the video. Everyone was watching, Noone was intervening to help her. It shook me to the core.
I don't think many 'get' it yet, June. And as destructive as they have been thus far, it is early days yet. And when more people start being led away, I hope they just don't disappear, never to be seen again. I remember Pol Pot and Cambodia, the Pinochet Regime, and I could go on.
Those are the same things that came to my mind, as that poor lady was being brutalized at a town hall meeting, and no one tried to help her, they just videoed with their phones like it was a prank skit.
EVERYONE is gonna film it, can’t a few of you actually HELP???
The real threat isn’t people living their truth—it’s fascism creeping into our society. 🚨 The GOP, Musk, and Trump’s cronies are fueling a movement that glorifies hate and undermines democracy. We’ve seen this before. 🛑🔥
🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
I’m so fucking furious right now. Last night was pathetic. We are not being championed by anyone.Our representatives are only doing the minimum
Hakeem Jeffries needs to be removed from his post He’s not a leader. He’s a pile of mush. He blames the people for his inaction. For his inability to fight
You’re the ones say a man can be a woman and compete in women’s sports. And if someone disagrees, you all shame them. That’s cult behaviour right there.
I think when he states “media” he means watercolour, oils, acrylic etc. Where the producer can use his wildest imagination and dreams. As opposed to the media of professional journalism.
Majority news. Social media, search engines. They report incorrectly or out of context and edit conversations, etc. is this the first time you’ve heard abt this??
I listen to the actual conversation and make my own judgement. Not a biased interpretation narrative of it telling me how to think.
Here…I simply had to fix it. 😉
I absolutely abhor looking at his smugly mug.
Or listening to his smarmy, unintelligent speech. 😣😮💨🥴🤢
#V #TraitorDJT #FelonDJT #FDT 🚫47
americans always where fascists. just remember that who was funding the nazi party back 1930(Dehomag, Ford and Standard oil). and the concentration camps prisoning American Japanese ...
I think the reason the EU was able to mobilize so quickly without us is because it was likely obvious this country was teetering on a move like this for a long time (like since the end of WWII).
That is the great distration that trump excells at, he has the masses looking at the shiney object, which diverts attention away from the real damage that he's doing.
Please don't just share on this forum. Tell your reps in DC what you think. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate.
The entire thing down in the states looked like a game show or show and tell .For the president to make some sort of point? No wonder the Democrats didn't get Excited. Of course they care about cancer. But why the hell away are cancer researchers being fired? The hypocrisy I find that stunning
Leave the kids alone. They don't know better. The only Nazi's is you and you party. They are the one's who refused to stand for a boy with cancer, or a mom whose 12 year old daughter was raped and killed. So stop with your BS
work for minimum wage. Every worker will comply or die because there will be no welfare.
Work or die.
The disabled: work or die. They'll start up camps to "house and care for" the newly homeless disabled who can't work. They'll be essentially concentration camps, where they'll work...or die.
It's all happening. I predict America will be paid to finish destroying Gaza. They'll agree a deal to split Ukraine's minerals and farms permanently with Russia, and give all the aid Ukraine had to Russia, including radar/satty intel, fighter planes, HIMARS - all of it.
Is it just me or do they all sort of look like clones of each other? I would never allow a child regardless of sex to be alone with any of them. Actually never mind a child as an adult I don't want to be alone with any of them.
Miserable looking aren't they? I wonder if they have decided their lives suck so lets make all Americans miserable. No joy in this group unless they are torturing or insulting someone else. Playground bullies - all of them
I AM concerned as long as they're not those being born into the "wrong body" and desire to undergo gender-affirmative surgery.
Women had to fight so hard for so long to have protected areas from men+I deeply resent the possibility of male intrusion under the pretext of "feeling like".
So you should be
Still time to stop the rot, but has been rotten for a long time
Maybe if America can push authoritarianism off & finally be great
Never Been Great, But Here Is Your Chance to Advance That Cause
I keep wondering why Republicans are so worried about trans women in women’s sports, but they don’t show the same concern about trans men in men’s sports. Their concern should go both ways shouldn’t it? I personally think they are butting into people’s lives where they don’t belong.
transmisogyny & misogyny are the reasons. trans women and transfems are portrayed as dangerous predators who do active harm to communities. trans men and transmascs are usually portrayed as confused little girls who need to be rescued from the “gender cult”. they infantilize us much more
I know, their obvious sexism is on full display for everyone to see. These laws they want to pass will be challenged because they discriminate against a single group of people. At least that is my thinking. They should just let people be who they are, period.
The percentage of population that are transitioning is so minute. As your eggs cost $8 a dozen... And this mangomaniac spoke about it for 5 or 6 minutes? What a disastrous human being.
In the winter of 1933, Berlin’s streets were filled with protests and counter-protests. The democratic experiment of the Weimar Republic was unraveling, not because of a single momentous event, but through a slow, erosion of its institutions
Think: We're a soft, sick, fat, sloppy, poorly-educated poser democracy becoming an authoritarian oligarchy with a long history of meddling in other countries (CIA, regi M e-changes, invasions etc.). We are surrounded by former allies we're now insulting. Not a good position. #TheEndOfEverything
The folks who are against trans and abortions are the same folks who said My body My Choice during COVID vaccine mandates. Now, they don’t mind embracing Nazis.
Too late and the democrats will now feel what it’s like to have the wrath of government coming for you physically, financially, and deliberately endanger your health. In essence we will become like Russians, Palestines, or apartheid South Africans.
I would like to say something. USA is a part of a continent called America which included a lot of countries, among others Canada and Mexico. Trump should say "Make USA great again". America belongs to whole American countries not to USA citizens.
They are already expanding their concentration camp in Guantamo Bay. They are trying to stop people from protesting on college campuses. It's not long before he declares martial law and starts arresting Democrat politicians.
He is starting again with attacking our 1st Amendment rights. He fears young people beginning to protest against his regime’s destruction of their future.
Under Martial Law the military is in charge, they become the courts and the President could be arrested for Treason and tried by a military tribunal. Trump would be risking his freedom.
It's utterly shocking that you think you're going to vote for a regular democratic American list of candidates and you pull away their panties to find they're all Nazis underneath. Disgusting.
As a Brit I have to say last night's embarrassing display by Republicans on international TV had the feeling more of a 1930s Nuremberg rally than a presidential address. Unseemly, appalling behaviour from a supposedly democratic country. A disgrace to democracy.
What has happened to us?? Such a disgraceful display last night I truly don’t know how congresspeople face their kids. No wonder they won’t speak to their voters in their districts. As a child of the Viet Nam/civil rights protests I urge you ALL to fight back.
Call write protest!!! Democracy now!
Working families
Living paycheck to paycheck
80 million uninsured
Sky-high RX prices
800,000 homeless
Extreme $$ inequality
Billionaires control elections
Lower life expectancy
Climate change
Cutting Medicaid by $880B
Millions lose health care
So tired of hearing he’s speaking to ‘his base’. If you are still part of his base there’s something wrong with YOU 🫵 Taking money from seniors. You don’t have a grandma? Leaving veterans without support? Did you serve or just wave the flag? No one has ever needed extreme health care? Good luck!
Yes I am a lot worried about becoming a Nazi because you know when you're a Nazi like world war 2 they will kill or in prison those innocent transgender people please let's have this happen we are people in America we all have our differences but we have gotten along so far keep it this way
Yes. He said the US spent $8M to observe trans mice. Fact checking showed that $10M was spent on trans mice but the medical purpose was to see why trans folks seem to get HIV at a higher rate. Animal cruelty aside.... it was not waste if there was a medical purpose.
Too late. There have been an abundance of nazis in America. My countrymen and women fought and died for you freedoms against Nazis for 3 fucking years while you and the fucking American sympathizers sat on there asses to decide who they wanted to win. There were many who wanted hitler to win
EVERYONE is gonna film it, can’t a few of you actually HELP???
Fuck trump!!
🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
Hakeem Jeffries needs to be removed from his post He’s not a leader. He’s a pile of mush. He blames the people for his inaction. For his inability to fight
I listen to the actual conversation and make my own judgement. Not a biased interpretation narrative of it telling me how to think.
I absolutely abhor looking at his smugly mug.
Or listening to his smarmy, unintelligent speech. 😣😮💨🥴🤢
#V #TraitorDJT #FelonDJT #FDT 🚫47
You wouldn't understand.
Start with you.
It takes some assurance of safety to be able to take off that costume!
They're literally running all 3 houses, lining up to ram America off a cliff and install oligarchic Christofascism.
The rich will buy up every property that gets foreclosed on. Every farmer will end up renting their home from the owner of the megafarm which they
Work or die.
The disabled: work or die. They'll start up camps to "house and care for" the newly homeless disabled who can't work. They'll be essentially concentration camps, where they'll work...or die.
You see what you look for.
I look and see xi jin ping, who looks nothing like putin 😂😂😂😅
Women had to fight so hard for so long to have protected areas from men+I deeply resent the possibility of male intrusion under the pretext of "feeling like".
I will post what I want and there is NOTHING life forms like you can do about it.
I ENJOY your anger and hate 😜🤣
Freedom of speech has two sides - yours and mine. 😜
I love my adversaries' hate and anger and enjoy it.
Still time to stop the rot, but has been rotten for a long time
Maybe if America can push authoritarianism off & finally be great
Never Been Great, But Here Is Your Chance to Advance That Cause
"You are only the gender you were born, God doesnt make mistakes"
They already transitioned
Please read & share
Al Green
Never forget!
#AlGreen #SOTU #USDemocracy
Call write protest!!! Democracy now!
Americans would sell their mothers for cheap fuel, eggs and guns.
Working families
Living paycheck to paycheck
80 million uninsured
Sky-high RX prices
800,000 homeless
Extreme $$ inequality
Billionaires control elections
Lower life expectancy
Climate change
Cutting Medicaid by $880B
Millions lose health care
I guess he forgot.
They simply feel emboldened to be their true selves, and they make a choice to be emboldened, rather than try to be semi-decent human beings.
33% of the .05% of people who identify as trans consider surgeries.
LESS THAN .017% of Americans
LESS PEOPLE THAN MUSK HAS FIRED frighten MAGA SO BAD that they have to make laws of persecution!
Fucking red wedding time. ;)