Statement from the Musk-appointed head of SSA celebrating the deletion of research grants studying the financial security of the older adults and the disabled. Just one way that the richest man in the world is dictating societal priorities.
American wake up. There a 1 delusional orange person in the White House, thinking he
King S.H.I.T.E..💩
It Susan!!!🙌
Who else is gonna be a pathetic dudek?
Just checking off who's left.
Oh yeah.
Rich white men
My statement is that they are taking away women, POC, immigrants of any standing, disabled, and now targeting the elderly as DEI. The letter that posted said that the research for senior health was being dismantled under the executive order banning DEI
The nastiest old man in the world wants to put all the other old people on ice floes to die.
Tee hee.
Adam Smith used the word 'education' EIGHTY Times in Wealth of Nations. He wrote "read, write and ACCOUNT" FIVE Times.
Where have economists explained Smith's pithy remarks in the last 70 yrs?
Blocked by PhD! 😆
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