The party line by the IRS has been that it is illegal to share IRS data. There isn't a "to help deport" people exception in the Privacy Act.
Reposted from
Jacob Bogage
**Major** update to this story, and something I'll continue reporting on through the weekend:
🚨 The new acting IRS commissioner has indicated she plans to comply with DHS's request for the addresses of 700,000 suspected undocumented immigrants. 🚨
🚨 The new acting IRS commissioner has indicated she plans to comply with DHS's request for the addresses of 700,000 suspected undocumented immigrants. 🚨
That court order is the important part.
Media: How will you find them?
MAGA: On the tax rolls...
Media: "Leon goes looking for fraud. May be borderline unethical, but this guy with a Trunt flag says it's ok with him."
Employers are required by law to provide hiring statistics to the labor depts and payroll taxes regardless of employee status.
Resident non-citizens would have an immigrant ID# as a SSN equivalent.
More likely, they will catch errors of incomplete names/changes & typos that always happen. Or people who had to change their SSN.
Isn’t it EVIDENT that they don’t give a rat’s ass about the law and the constitution?
It should be.