Mal0 is "mewing." It's the practice of pressing the tongue to the roof of one's mouth in the pseudoscientific belief that doing so for long enough will make the jaw bigger and more square like a Gigachad. It originated in "manosphere" communities.
Oh yeah, "Looksmaxxing" is an incel belief that women only care about physical appearance and build in a man, and "Looksmaxxing" is efforts to conform to what they *think* women want a man to look like.
just the sheer concept of a chronically online entity is both delightful and horrid
Oh god, am I old?
(intransitive, transitive, stative, Internet slang) To be significantly more attractive than (someone or something); to dominate in appearance.
What is wrong with my brain?
And before anyone asks, I'm fine, just tired, but emotionally *mostly* okay.
It's a terrible rabbit hole of very insecure guys who need to work on themselves a lot.
Example: This Mewing Mod for Among Us.