Bluesky, you aren't overly familiar with Not Quite Out. Lemme tell you a bit about my debut novel:
It's about Will, a second year med student who is struggling to work out how to tell his friends he's bi.
He's neurotic. He's a mess. He's anxious and sweet and over reacts to everything.
It's also about Dan, a third year politics student who is struggling to get out of an abusive relationship.
He's calm. He's strong-minded. He has the patience of a saint. He's a drug addict, a survivor, and an immigrant in this unwelcoming country.
There's a certain warmth to them that I, ironically, don't have the words for. Will is bi. Dan is gay and ace. They're both filled with so much of me that I'm afraid I'll never really be able to let them go.
It's about Will, a second year med student who is struggling to work out how to tell his friends he's bi.
He's neurotic. He's a mess. He's anxious and sweet and over reacts to everything.
He's calm. He's strong-minded. He has the patience of a saint. He's a drug addict, a survivor, and an immigrant in this unwelcoming country.
Anyway. I'm thinking lots about them.