🧵 🗃️ It saddens me to have to bring you news of yet another casualty of the Trump administration's war on any history that does not conform to a white-centered narrative.
For the past few summers I've worked with teachers at Arlington National Cemetery. The historians and educational staff...
For the past few summers I've worked with teachers at Arlington National Cemetery. The historians and educational staff...
Ozeania has always been at war with Eurasia.
They removed a page that used the word “gay.” It was about the Enola Gay, named for the pilot’s mother. Ignorance and hate are killing us. I know many, many people are doing a little bit each day. But I’m worried it won’t be enough. 😢😔
We have to protect, save what we can and never give in to fascists otherwise known as Republicans.
In other words, such erasures have been successful in the past and may be again. If we allow it.
You are near to living in a Dictator state!
Turn out the lights,
Turn out the lights.
This can't be allowed to continue.