Your post is inaccurate.

We’ve followed PWB’s (flawed/willful/$$$) decision-making “for low-lvl crypto” since 2017.

Blame belongs to Cm Fish, Fritz, Mapps & PWB Dirs who mismanaged this project BIG TIME, raising the project costs 6-fold.

how it started:


how it’s going:

“This is a just a shell game by the [Portland] Water Bureau.”

— [environmentalist and Dir. of Bird Alliance of Oregon & Willamette Riverkeeper] Bob Sallinger, who has served for years on various city advisory bodies.
Comment image
No, my post is correct – the opposition is cranks and NIMBYs.

Why did you post a screenshot and not a link? The article explains that the city needs to meet the federal safety standards, which our tap water is failing.
Resistance is futile and expensive.
Also do not misquote the late Bob Sallinger to me. I worked on projects for him and I knew him. He was talking about the costs of the project, but he was not a chemist or water quality expert.
Not misquoted and not NIMBY

Did you attend the meetings when utility board member Sallinger *rightly* called out PWB leaders for faux public engagement & general lack of transparency?

Worse, a history of other willful neglect by PWBs so-called “water quality experts”👇
Another edit:
PWB used loopholes in fed regulations and got away with “improperly treating municipal water” … for decades.

And for decades, Oregon Health Authorities let PWB off the hook, compromising public health.