The people want to know: What's your favorite diaper color?
#Diapers #ABDL #FavoriteColor #FavoriteDiaperColor
#Diapers #ABDL #FavoriteColor #FavoriteDiaperColor
these two are definitely some favorites
also a big fan of like, the actual "official" designs for kids which have licensed characters on them.
I'm original xP
That or a design uwu
Really want there to be a diaper where the front half is white but the back half is a different color
Black are extremely sexy though, so are close second
And especially when paired up with sharp and spiffy outfits, black diapers can be EXCEPTIONALLY attractive. >////>
Maybe white with a simple design uwu
What's so bab about turquoise?! >:U
It's okay to be a BABY.
But just traditional plain white is very good as well.
And white is a versatile classic.
Spark: pink
Both enjoy a bit of yellow tint and some brown spots in the back to give some color diversity
But wish Megamax would do a similar green since Trests are overkill for daily wear.
And it's like the perfect shade for cuteness factor
But themed diapers are really perfect as well, like Love Ball diapers or LoZ themed ones!
Keeping the timeline happy is hard bab work.
Very deep smelly lore
Diapers that are just big round pokeballs!
Pastel primary colors for a pamp would be nice as well~