Only if you’re prepared to rehome the newer dog if they don’t get along. Which happens a lot if the time. Our rescue was given up after a year and a half of being tormented by the owners first dog. Now she’s ours 🧡
It all depends on your dog's personality & if you all are ready to go through training, again. That's a good age gap to add a 2nd dog. Some dogs like a sibling, but not all.
I got a 2nd dog. I thought my 1st dog would love the company. He doesn't...he only tolerates her (after 6 yrs).
Sure! Two dogs is more than double the work, but the time spent on good introductions was so worth it.... I am more tired than I thought (dog 2's still a pup) but wouldn't change it for the world. If Moon enjoys other dogs & it'd bring your family joy, go for more joy :)
I got a 2nd dog. I thought my 1st dog would love the company. He doesn't...he only tolerates her (after 6 yrs).