πΆ 'Alas, what hast thou done?
Thou art a pynke ponye girle
Yn the daunse at the clubbe!'
'Nay, modir! Ich am but seekinge mirthe
On the stage yn myne heeles
It ys wher Ich belonge
Downe at the
Pynke Ponye Clubbe
Ich shal keepe on daunsinge
Downe yn West Hollywoode'
[lute solo] πΆ
Thou art a pynke ponye girle
Yn the daunse at the clubbe!'
'Nay, modir! Ich am but seekinge mirthe
On the stage yn myne heeles
It ys wher Ich belonge
Downe at the
Pynke Ponye Clubbe
Ich shal keepe on daunsinge
Downe yn West Hollywoode'
[lute solo] πΆ
Thou kannst leave the thy frenden hence
Forsooth! If thy frenden daunse notte,
Yea, if they daunsen note
Thenne they arte no frenden of mynne