Ich wolde swallow my pryde
& thus choke on the rinds
Yet the lack thereof
Wolde leave me holwe ynside
Swallow my doubt
Turne it ynside out
Fynde no thinge but feyth yn no thinge
O, to put thys tender herte yn a blendir
Bihold it swirl about to a merveilous oblivioun
Rendez vous and farewell to you
& thus choke on the rinds
Yet the lack thereof
Wolde leave me holwe ynside
Swallow my doubt
Turne it ynside out
Fynde no thinge but feyth yn no thinge
O, to put thys tender herte yn a blendir
Bihold it swirl about to a merveilous oblivioun
Rendez vous and farewell to you
If you do KBs, Wuthering Heights, I may be able to get thru February.