I really wish we still had press instead of this army of weak stenographers. “Constructive.” What a joke. Imagine repeating that vertigo-inducing spin without even so much as a scare quote. Embarrassing. RIP journalism.
You can't make a deal with a bunch of scumbags. Europe needs to move boots into Ukraine as it is Europe. If Putin takes Ukraine, he will start to nibble away at the rest of Europe. Bit by bit. What is there to lose, realistically, by getting active? The US and Russia will both try to do us in?
True. The path of the Tump US is more than clear. It's just that Europe is still a bit stunned I guess. You see what you thought was a friend, stabbing another friend in the back, while laughing like a maniac. And you are next. So fight with the wounded, but righteous guy.
100% agree. I admire President Zelenskyy for having tried so hard to get US support. Now let’s show that we are Ukraine’s true friends and support its people until russia loses.
Did Zelenskyy tell them he wasn’t giving in to their little shakedown move before or after the photo op. My money’s on before & Trumps performance is distraction because the self-styled master of the deal couldn’t get it done even with all the odds stacked in his favour.
Deals with Trump are no more trustworthy than deals with Putin. Just look at Trump saying Canada is taking advantage of the US on trade, when Trump is the one who negotiated the existing trade agreement with them.
I could make you a list, but it would take awhile. I’ll just give you two for now: Google. Amazon Web Services, where this conversation is being hosted.
I agree. The disrespect they've shown Zelensky is despicable. Yes Starmer might have had a "good night" last night but I voted for him and I do NOT want him cosying up to that tango faced sex abuser for ANY trade deal. Cut the yanks loose from NATO and let him fend for himself.
It would be a simple, but potent, sign of solidarity.
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I have no luck with finding it on google
I’ll be scanning my live and eliminating a lot of this junk.
Maggie Heberman says... "Elliot wrestles his soul from the heart he's no squelch,".
Zelensky only has a basic grasp of the English language.
Trump and Vance took advantage of that and did a double act attack on him!
They are disgusting!
They KNEW he struggled with the English language!