Im just afraid beeing smart about cutting ties is a slippery slope to not making hard choices. The state of urgency is not yet present in all corners of Europe and i think trans atlantic dreams are holding us back and makes us vulnerable to US blackmail.
There are certain things already in motion, like slowly preparing Eutelsat to replace Starlink, I believe there’s much more going on behind the curtain that we don’t know about yet. I doubt any smart politician in Europe has any illusions about Trump.
I just think our current leaders are wery much still living in the transatlantic world they were born in. Reducing this to one person -Trump - is not seeing broad picture.
Also i want european visions and bold dreams - not just the smallest we can get away with.
Mamy o wiele większe zmartwienia nie odpowiadanie na zaczepki człowieka, który póki co, jest zwykłym szarym Amerykaninem. Wiceminister zareagował. Znamy jego stanowisko. To wystarczy.
no właśnie help MAGA - bo ja nie umiem tego obronić - a kto ma pomóc? Trump do kogo zwraca? chce żeby ludzie od nazistów Tesle kupowali? jak mają pomóc? Hailować razem z Elonem? zwolnić siebie? może mają przyznać Elonowi kolejne 40 miliardów - z własnej kieszeni tym razem, a nie z rządowej?
Dear God, you know that is not up to Ukraine what's on the table. Offer them something reasonable, they will sign a deal. If they get full russian deal, like last time, it just not gonna to happen. It has nothing to do with chance's at all. It's all up to USA. I hope it's not a russian deal again.
USA is playing same shit as putler and preparing annection of Greenland and maybe Canada. You do not negotiate with terrorist nor nazis. If trump succeeds, how do you want to stop him from take over Greenland? Or parts of Canada? You really don't see where this is leading to?
This actually seems more like a chance for America and Russia, whereby the US is trying to get Ukraine's resources, and Russia trying to get Ukraine's land. And, of course, Ukraine just gets to say thank you.
Russia can stop this invasion, this war and all the war crimes it commits by simply withdrawing behind its original borders! Nobody should blackmail Ukraine into giving in to an aggressor! No country should be forced to sue for peace under such conditions!
Shame on you, Mr Tusk!
At today’s talks, the U$ delegation seems to be moonlighting as the Kremlin’s PR team. Fingers crossed Ukraine doesn’t cave to their ‘diplomatic genius’!
Ukrainians are open-minded and ready for serious negotiations. I am affraid od Donald Trump and his irresponsible behaviour. I am waiting for justice and peacuful for Ukraine.
With Nazi pigs like Jack Posobiec being in the "negotiation" team Ukraine should show them middle finger. That deal allows USA to transfer the rights to 3rd party like RuZZia, which they will do in 3 seconds. President Zelensky team would be foolish to sign this. Little Rubio is Drumpf meat puppet.
Unless the Russians are at the table, I don't know what war is being discussed. Is the US a party to this? And if not, who do they represent in negotiating with Ukraine?
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I don't trust Rubio or any greedy trump person 🤔 be safe!
Europe needs to step up even more and Poland should play an important role in that.
But we need to be smart about cutting ties, do it gradually while we build up our own independent capabilities. There’s a lot at stake.
Im just afraid beeing smart about cutting ties is a slippery slope to not making hard choices. The state of urgency is not yet present in all corners of Europe and i think trans atlantic dreams are holding us back and makes us vulnerable to US blackmail.
Also i want european visions and bold dreams - not just the smallest we can get away with.
Ukraine have to be smart of cource!
Do not do that Dill - Are you stupid?
There is a liberation act of solidarity only to do!
No simple ways with oligarchs from USA, Russia or China!!!!
We have to increase the price for Ukraine. And this is the only way we can do that.
Thank you.
Europe must stand up for democracy and liberty! No one else will.
Don’t treat Ukrainians with disrespect. The whole world is watching You in Jeddah today. Good luck!
It is not only the Moron, but also the Keramine taker.
They should disappear no matter how, for world peace.
Shame on you, Mr Tusk!
Russian troops raped and tortured children in Ukraine, U.N. panel says
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