the thing to keep in mind is that we’re talking about like, literal 14 year old boys here. no amount of historical, cultural, or sociological context is going to help
Reposted from
Fibonacci Sequins
As an above average white man I have never felt attacked by this language. But I can understand why losers would.
as a teenager you want to "become man", and its easy to see that rhetoric as an obstacle to your agency...
it hits different now that im in my 20s, have a career path and a life. i see their perspective now and i dont really disagree with it. I just wished the left was more careful.
but how tf can a 15 year old with no life exp know that
Look it, I tested in as a charity case to a rich kids high school. Were my so called betters any better than the kids in public school? Of course not. The only skill advantage was the ease of knowing they belonged in such a place.
Might as well be really bad then.
It's not because of the rhetoric of mediocre white men or talking about how rape is bad. It's because the fascist answer is easier than the real one about systemic flaws