It’s a really bizarre disconnect our society does when it comes to people who have gone to jail or become homeless. It’s like you are now some sub species they don’t know how to wrap their head around. Meanwhile, many recognize how horrible multiple tiers of our system are for helping one another.
Working in apartments for ten years. Seeing and going through evictions myself, they can literally destroy everything you own and your future after bankrupting you and in some cities cops come right away to get you out and change locks. Then maint guys throw out everything they dont want.
I also don't understand parents who kick their kids out at 18. Like, why did you have kids? I don't care how old mine are, they will always have a place to come home to. Their friends too. You have to be a sociopath to allow your children to live on the streets.
Yeah, I have personal experiences with that. If I was to move back in with my mom I would have to go to church. I was homeless/couch surfing for a while because I couldn't move back in with my parents. My mom ran the show.
When I was a teen I swore I'd always have an open door policy when I had my own place. My SO & I have had so many roommates over the years our friends nicknamed our house "The Home For Wayward Boys & Unwed Mothers". Nearly 50yo now & we still live by it. Anything to stop generational abuse