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The Tories and Labour have utterly failed.
Reform are not the answer - they will only make things even worse.
You can help right now by joining @greenparty.org.uk.
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C’mon Zack. If taxes fund spending then why should I fund things I disagree with? Why should I fund scroungers? Why should I house immigrants?
The ‘tax-to-pay-for’ myth is the most corrosive lie in common use. Undermine it - don’t spread it.
Otherwise. 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻
If you're worried about "scroungers", you could do worse than start with the Monarchy.
What happened to non-doms? Oh yeah, got ditched after being lobbied by the guy who bought PMs clothes and glasses. Plus being lobbied by BlackRock
It seems trickle down economics does work, by trickling to MPs
Taxing the rich who enjoy sucking up the resources and judiciary without paying for their share is why we are where we are
Until we reset the power imbalance, then we will still be in this hole and you will still think poor and middle class should pay for the rich
No more parties.
No more illusions of choice.
Burn it all down!