I personally feel it sums up an integral part of the story. Gandalf is there at the right place at the right time when Frodo inherits the ring from Bilbo. Gandalf has indeed arrived precisely when he means to do so.
The Hobbit and LotR are pretty much my favorite novels of all time.
I just wish they weren't marketed as "kids fantasy" before the movies happened. They're not. It has only been as an adult that I have truly been able to appreciate them & their timeless themes.
.....i dont even know where my copy is rn D:
One of my favourite parts hhah
I do not remember finishing the film that night.
I just wish they weren't marketed as "kids fantasy" before the movies happened. They're not. It has only been as an adult that I have truly been able to appreciate them & their timeless themes.
of our meeting