What a weird essay. Getting a STEM degree in many US schools is like doing right-handed curls for 4 years & never touching a weight with the left. By design, students learn almost no history, politics, critical thinking. Of course this leads to a lack of balance.
The cost/benefit of 4 year degrees clearly show a need for alternative degree paths which might in some cases be very domain specific though.
Yes, the disciplines have been intentionally separated to create compliant worker drones, but also, my god, use that brain for yourselves!
The big $$$ is dedicated to selfism.
If people get a STEM degree only for $$$, they've kind of already come down on a side. But then it's not the fault of college classes they missed.
I mean, gee, YA THINK?
I've been screaming for years that the current approach is based on very shallow modeling, often done unconsciously.
I graduated with my engineering degree in 2006, and had to take precisely one non-engineering course. The engineering courses in my engineering education were good, but I can't describe my degree as anything resembling well-rounded.
I couldn't see it at the time, but now as a practicing engineer, I can see that those were among the most useful courses I took.