The knowledge of people who work at CUNY and Cal State systems that our experience of chronic under-funding and of moving large numbers of first gen students into the middle class are far more common & representative of higher ed than the "elite" unis serving an increasingly white rich population.
Reposted from
Moby Dick
I say, I saw that this situation of mine was the precise situation of every mortal that breathes
Three of my four children are successful entrepreneurs.
An investment in my education four decades ago has paid enormous dividends in tax revenue to the city and state.
2 links:
wildly expensive "elite" colleges are not interested in propelling low-income students anywhere - except when an individual is already demonstrably exceptional, and well documented as such prior to admission.
The wealthy and well connected get high paying jobs, which makes it look like the high cost is worth it for people looking for upward mobility.
Many of them were learning to run their family business, so it’s got a really high starting salary.