There is no doubt that humans contribute to the change in climate. To deny this fact is just a blatantly lie! We are destroying this planet and putting our kids and grandkids lives at risk. Do you think an old man like trump cares about the future?
TY! And Eunice Newtoon FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also,, & 's answers.
Since 1912 no one has learned this?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Well guess what? We didn't care, and we still don't. I don't have children, but If I did, I would be worried for them, because they may raise their children in a world I wouldn't recognize. All because of selfish s.o.b.'s like our President, and his followers.
You know what’s crazy? This article explains it so simply. “…makes the air a… blanket for the earth…” it gives people a visual representation to work with. Numbers and lines on a chart are ostensibly that but they don’t necessarily hit the same way. You can almost feel it when you read it.
Listen, climate change is my #1 political topic. But right now we need to be concentrating on stopping the fake continuing resolution first, and ketamine / dumpsters destruction of our country #1.1. we can't save our environment with these two wrecking the government.
Listen, you can do nothing to fix climate change while the Republicans are rolling back damn near every clean air and water regulation. So it's a matter of effectiveness, not whether I am concerned with one thing or one hundred. Don't be obtuse. The country, and the planet, need better from you.
No. Being able to care about more than one thing while also knowing what it means to prioritize one is my modus operandi.
Learn how to use obtuse correctly before you try and use it as an insult.
They maintain alive 80% of all the ecosystems, 90% of "our" green lung and, without good interaction between our green and blue lungs the earth is like this.
My first environmental fight is to save bees and pollinators, fertilizing 90% of the earth (not only "our crops", that is human centred approach), down by 80% in 3 decades only. Without the earth would be like this pic, and it's for 2050 maximum.
In the Sichuan region, #China, no more ONE. I posted.
First studies fleshing out the science took place in in the 1850’s. It’s looong established physical science.
Yet last year we still added 40 BILLION metric tons of C02 to our atmosphere.
Arrhenius even made some not-so-far-off calculations back in 1986 (we would have to mark the very far off in 2025, like 2x off, but still, the same order of magnitude, impressive for hand-made calculations in 1986 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Right, even if it's the biggest danger with #AI - We could really meet Terminator: USA vs China, 2030
I'm 24, 25 on June 21, and my younger sister is 20, let's imagine our perpectives.
But yes, hydrogen, needing nuclear power is the only solution we know now.
Eunice Newtoon FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also , , & s answers.
Her book has 256 pages.
It's already been viral. I've seen this image circulating for several years now. I think I first saw it floating around on Facebook. I deleted my Facebook 4-1/2 years ago. 🤷🏼♂️
It's a good thing all those electric vehicle owners don't plug their vehicles into the electric grid that's powered by fossil fuels to recharge their cars. Just think of all the carbon they are keeping out of the atmosphere that way...
The grid is getting more and more energy from renewable energy sources. Many of us have home solar panels to power our houses and our cars. What is your reply?
The article in question is authentic and the text was published in both newspapers and a magazine in 1912, highlighting that people more than a century ago had anticipated the climate issues related to burning coal for energy that we now see today.
Right Glenn, you've her among the comments, please check out,, & answers too.
And I posted several times about her.
Eunice Newtoon FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also , , & ' s answers.
Also, Svante Arrhenius did calculations on this in 1896 that were close to what we know now. And John Tyndall figured out that carbon dioxide absorbed infrared radiation in 1859! BUT THE FOSSIL FUEL INTERESTS HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BLICK THIS KNOWLEDGE SINCE THE TIME OF ARRHENIUS.
Not this agenda. The first people to talk about global warming were scientists. Their names are in the public record. If it really was a hoax, the hoaxer's name would take you 10 minutes to find. Yet none of you even try.
Call your legislators red or blue and let them know what’s on your mind. This is a tool recommended by the Meidas Touch Network who says calling makes politicians cave more than emails.
They maintain alive 80% of all the ecosystems, 90% of "our" green lung and, without good interaction between our green and blue lungs the earth is like this.
That’s so cool they added in the detail about their shared lineage with wasps! It’s sad there’s a profession where bee keepers have to go to farms to pollinate now vs them naturally being pollinated. Also, signed 💚
TY Mai!!! Could you please support a little bit, from 823 donators to 850+ for now, hoping reaching 1000 one day? It's the ONLY #vital petition existing, worldwide, in 6 languages.
I shall repost! My little family waits until the day before the next paycheck (every 2 weeks) to see what we have left to donate while having little to no savings 😁. So I’m adding it to our list. If only more helpful charitable people were as rich as their counterparts….
TY! And Eunice Newtoon FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also ,, & s answers.
The RMS Titanic burned around 600 tons of coal each day. It was much more fuel efficient than the Lusitania. Titanic sank in Mid April of that year. Interesting. Writing a book about the titanic so I’ll try to include this somewhere. Thank you!
As early as 1980, ExconMobile scientists studied the Arctic ice to how fast it would take to melt by burning fossil fuels to make drilling in the ice cheaper and less hazardous. And then EM spent miiiillions indoctrinating people that climate change wasn’t human caused. The Con.
The fossil industry wasn't only keeping info about fossils and global warming under the lid, but they were actually speeding the warming process up on purpose. That's a new aspect for me, which in my eyes makes the fossil industry even more evil than we knew they were.
The Woman Who Demonstrated the Greenhouse Effect
Eunice Newton Foote showed that carbon dioxide traps the heat of the sun in 1856, beating the so-called father of the greenhouse effect by at least three years. Why was she forgotten?
Quite frankly neither did I. I knew greenhouse gasses were discovered in the late 1800’s and wanted to make the point that that science was settled over a century ago and searching the date I discovered that bit of information. 😃
Check out "my media", and,, &'s answers.
I posted about Eunice Newton FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876, several times. But it didn't encounter the same "success".
This is ,we are ,a virus; we "know," yet we mindlessly move on without correction,because the instinctual instructions are unconscious. Humans are not 'programmed' to the awareness of said unconscious by the fact of evolved architecture. The early mind would find it difficult to exist in two worlds
Please Sign, Share everwhere you can (this #vital petition should reach millions of signatures (the only VITAL #petition existing, worldwide, in 6 languages) and Support (just a little bit please), from 823 to 850+ donators, and I hope 1000 one day ... 👉 🆘
That was what was reported but no telling what was actually talked about. When everyone wants to know what was said in a secret meeting one should expect a divergent as the explanation. Only they know .
I remember seeing one back
In primary school (around 9-10yo) from 1904.
Also we should mention John Tyndall and his documentation of the greenhouse effect in 1859.
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also,, & 's answers.
Here's a photo from May of 2000 at a coal power plant I had worked at.
Former regulators say EPA’s planned rollbacks would reverse 50 years environmental progress
The former regulators' warning comes in the wake of Environmental Protection Agency's announcement to roll back dozens of air & water protections
- Erica.
Got it.
Learn how to use obtuse correctly before you try and use it as an insult.
In the Sichuan region, #China, no more ONE. I posted.
Yet last year we still added 40 BILLION metric tons of C02 to our atmosphere.
know more should have been done. But no one owns a time machine.
I'm 24, 25 on June 21, and my younger sister is 20, let's imagine our perpectives.
But yes, hydrogen, needing nuclear power is the only solution we know now.
Newspaper articles can be found about this topic as far back as the 1890s.
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also , , & s answers.
Her book has 256 pages.
Didn't go viral then either but good luck.
1/4 🧵
And I posted several times about her.
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also , , & ' s answers.
1/4 🧵
This is false and not factual information. This is an AI generated image.
1/4 🧵
The environment is fine, it’s called an ice age. Earth heats up, it cools down. No need for hypocritical environmentalists
Can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink…
Please sharte it everywhere also. TY! 🙏
👉 🆘
Precision: the apoid wast is the bee ancestor.
Oh also that thing. I swear I read about a Scottish engineer that also published this sort of thing in the 1890s
I posted several times about if you check out "My media", but also ,, & s answers.
Eunice Newton Foote showed that carbon dioxide traps the heat of the sun in 1856, beating the so-called father of the greenhouse effect by at least three years. Why was she forgotten?
I posted about Eunice Newton FOOTE, an article from August 23, 1876, several times. But it didn't encounter the same "success".