I told you guys. 2025 writers want women barefoot and pregnant by white men only. They will home school the children and the husband will vote. He gets the vote of all in household.
Ok Add Little Marco to Nancy’s America’s Most Loathed.
My friends treat their wives equally - but I agree that there are many households where that is not true! We should educate girls not accept less than equality
Exactly this! I know many that treat equally as well. I was taught to submit at a child and it was really rough to learn what my actual role is in this society. I’m from both worlds.
Always knew I was more than human, but I had the decency not to rub it in.
May Rubio's name go down in history like Himmler's - like all lower beings who deny the humanity of his betters.
You can see where this is going. Soon, to be anything other than a white, heterosexual christian will be a crime. It's coming! To fit into any of the LGB etc. categories will land you in a prison camp. I fear for your safety! Take care America.
Listening to all the hand wringing about “Democratic messaging” in the last election. How do you message against so much racism and misogyny? A third of the country eats it up and a third can’t be bothered to try and stop it.
First they separated the LGBTQ+ from the people.
Then they arrested immigrants and foreign visitors.
Now they are allowing the right to segregate people based on race.
We know we're not considered human in the US, because we have no constitutional right to bodily autonomy. Men, the humans, get to make their own medical decisions. Women don't get to make our own medical decisions, because we don't own our bodies. We're state-owned broodmares.
No surprise; if women are not allowed to control their own bodies, they are slaves and inferior! Millions of women have no problem with this and voted for it.
This is why war exists - smart woman are just not interested in these types of males. So they puff their chests & make war because they’re not getting laid.
Very true. The thing is, putting Ancient philosophers on pedestals, crowning them god-kings of ivory towers, can leave us highly susceptible to some of the most major flaws in their thinking. Misogynists continue to use such things to justify their thinking when/where they don't just use the Bible.
Many mysoginists lack any cultural, historic, pgylosophical knowledge and i look at tramp and his cabinet. They strike me as primitive, cave type men! A bit frustrated, a bit impotent ( culturally at least)!
True. They don't have to understand much to latch on to whatever makes them feel superior though. Many gladly turn speakers of such rhetoric into idols for that rush - whether he's an ademic or a podcaster who graduated TrustMeBro University 🙄 They try to come off as 'logical' in their arguments.
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are you worth?
How low can the Secretary of Weasels go? Far from the bottom
Secretary of Weasels
Ok Add Little Marco to Nancy’s America’s Most Loathed.
May Rubio's name go down in history like Himmler's - like all lower beings who deny the humanity of his betters.
So, whenever you see someone that does a complete 180 and bends to Trumps insanity, they are being blackmailed by Trump.
Trump learned this lesson from the Russians. That’s why he’s knows as #Krasnov. 🤔
Then they arrested immigrants and foreign visitors.
Now they are allowing the right to segregate people based on race.
Why are they so fragile?
They GOP hates women, wants to revoke their rights and send them back to when they had to kill themselves to get out of bad marriages.
Wtf is wrong with people.
Vance says he was wasting a perfectly sexy couch sulking.
Don’t they look stupid!!
That’s where we are right now and it’s NOT hyperbole
it drives them crazy they are not