Good words. Libertarians got lost in the culture war BS, worried that gay folks are cooler than them & stealing the pussy somehow. Where are the fiscal conservatives who can holler about what tariffs will do. Where are the gold bugs who know crypto is just lots of tiny private Fed Reserves.
Even Ayn Rand wasn't as insane as RFK 😱😱😱 what is even happening, it's like Being Online broke all these kids who got left behind by education & hit the wild wild web with no defenses, networks built from gaming servers instead of college connections, isolated & vulnerable inside a fantasy product
Based on my kid's feedback from middle-school today, your Number 7 is the driving factor on low-info voters and I haven't a clue on how true can prevail over the shit being fed to people on their phones
The people of our nation chose the fast plunge into fascism instead of the slow slide. I am getting out of this county, whatever it takes. The GOP has made it very clear that they want to eradicate people like me, and I'm not staying to see how they do it.
On #7… It’s really made me think about how most people I see in public are likely not what they seem anymore.
That girl who walks into Starbucks is probably a competent person at some company based on how she’s dressed and carries herself, but then she is also possibly an anti vaxxer.
There’s always something that has poisoned their well of knowledge and their worldview and the only thing making it ‘look’ normal is that nothing has yet altered the physical world. It’s like invasion of the body snatchers and that scene at the end with Donald Sutherland howling
That girl who walks into Starbucks is probably a competent person at some company based on how she’s dressed and carries herself, but then she is also possibly an anti vaxxer.
It’s like this with almost everyone these days.