heyo! i need help with bills but i didn't want to just ask for donations again, so! i've put up both of my amateur photo packs of Maine, "A Place Without Bodies" on ko-fi for the price of "pay what you want"! over *600* photos, AND, you can use them in commercial projects! https://ko-fi.com/s/bc50ecb11f
Link in bio
Link in bio
and if you inexplicably, bizarrely, feel like just donating money anyway without the photos, you can go straight to the ko-fi page here. (but seriously, you should get the photos) https://ko-fi.com/spacetwinks/goal?g=0
1. thank you to everyone who paid already! holy shit!
2. holy fucking SHIT, thank you especially to the person who paid $250 like immediately????? for some reason the ko-fi bar isn't reflecting the purchases so i manually updated it to show 100 percent already. again, ty so much!