Fortunately, smart, curious kids will seek out banned books just to find out what the fuss is all about. Any means to increase their access is a win/win...good luck...
Maybe you and a small group of like-minded people in your community could spearhead something for your town?? Fundraising, donations, volunteers, etc. Grass root efforts are going to be paramount. We can't just rely on "someone" else to do things.
I have a Methodist church across the street in front my house and an Episcopal church in my backyard (wish I was kidding, but alas)… I’ve been thinking of starting a little free library full of progressive books next to my mail box 😅 need to start thrifting books & make it happen
When you only get 300 characters, expressing the true sentiment behind words becomes a slight challenge. I definitely am not one to speak for all religions but our area is thick with religious zealots who feel so emboldened to post things like this 👇🏼 daily in community groups.
I get that. My area has tons too. The good ones will be on the front line these next few years. They just don't get the headlines because they do it out of genuine love not moral superiority.
Every day I’m shocked but yet my jaw stays in place. It’s definitely a whirlwind of ideology’s around here but yet there’s a certain crew that remains the loudest while the rest just try to live well & help others 😌
Same, except I didn't realize there was a grant program. We're a non-profit and I was planning on funding it myself. I'll have to look into that, thanks for the info and best of luck to you!
Interesting idea. I'm moving to a new area in a few weeks and will have to check on the banned books. I'm in SE Tennessee; sure there are plenty of them.
Just make sure there's always room to stock up all those wonderful banned books, because you know the book burners are going to fill them up with thier own books.
If there's always a copy of Fahrenheit 451 available, some kid's gonna read it. And immediately see what's going on.
I live in a town of 250 in the Adirondacks which tends to be predominantly red, I have a little free library/pantry I run and getting books for it can be tough but I do my best to curate inclusive and banned books into it. Hoping that I’ll get at least one to open a book and expand their mind.
I live in northern New England & lots of ppl make little boxes on their properties, like mailboxes & install them down near the road.
They open & there are books inside. FREE
You can take a book, replace it w/ another or read it & pass it on.
Imagine if more people all over this country did that?
If there's always a copy of Fahrenheit 451 available, some kid's gonna read it. And immediately see what's going on.
They open & there are books inside. FREE
You can take a book, replace it w/ another or read it & pass it on.
Imagine if more people all over this country did that?