it will be interesting tomorrow 2C how much obstruction the government is going to engage in. As in, "Well we fired all the people who can sign off on the expense so you will have to wait while we try to hire new people."
I am expecting an epic level of obstruction on the part of the government.
I would add if you take Alito’s framing of the sovereign immunity issue to its natural conclusion than he is excluding contempt sanctions of money against the government, because as you note here the judge didn’t order the payments until after the government admitted they weren’t complying.
And that removes a huge remedy from the Court for enforcing orders.
Also he once again demonstrates his like of fealty to actual facts in describing the issue as a “temporary pause” when the state department is shutting everything down.
UPDATE: Judge Ali has set the next steps, ordering a joint status report on TRO/Feb. 25 order compliance to be filed by 11a tomorrow, in advance of the previously scheduled 2p preliminary injunction hearing.
And Trump telling Justice Roberts just last night, Thank you twice, and we won't forget it, one of those thank yous had to be that Roberts held it back until after Trump's speech last night.
I wonder who is the go between, between Trump and Justice Roberts? Leonard Leo?
I'm not used to reading these legal texts, but the way I understand your article is that the court said Ali is allowed to challenge Trump on this and that he should now work out new deadlines and such for when the payments have to be made, but leaves the rest of the process to him? 1/
I am expecting an epic level of obstruction on the part of the government.
Also he once again demonstrates his like of fealty to actual facts in describing the issue as a “temporary pause” when the state department is shutting everything down.
I wonder who is the go between, between Trump and Justice Roberts? Leonard Leo?