And we are on the cusp, B'Shaa Tovah, of joining the Grandparents' Club. The nearest diaper of interest will be a 2.5 hour bus ride away, but when we're visiting, I'll insist on helping! Can't wait to be around a baby again....
You must be excited about soon receiving your official Grandpa Nickname based on the baby's mispronunciations. It's like a name lottery for your autumn years!
Boggles the mind because, like, what could possibly better demonstrate your success as a man, in their putative schema, than fathering and raising a child
What possible thing is more manly than being a good dad
Well, divorced deadbeats needed to sell some boner pills so they started the Alpha Male movement based on one study that the lead researcher decried decades ago, and it all kind of spiraled from there.
He could have easily been accepted as a hardman in our city, but he's always had too much upstairs & too much heart to act like a numpty. He's beloved.
I didn't grow up wanting to be a dad, but when my kids were born, it completely revolutionized my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being an involved dad is the most fulfilling thing imaginable. NOTHING else compares.
My father was a tall, good-looking, athletic white man with a prestigious job, smack in the "Mad Men" generation of dads who ignore their kids. Yet he was 100% the exception, extremely active in doing his share of the parenting.
Mom said he was diffident and awkward at first, but she insisted he learn what to do, and he discovered he enjoyed it. He was an active participant in our lives, straight into our adulthood.
There is the most wonderful routine about his then very young children on his Billy and Albert live video. He makes it very sweet without being twee or cloying. It's a very Glaswegian thing, that tough warmth he has. A city where cunt is a term of endearment.
But that'll be a little ways off - of course, that'll be MY grandkid, so they'll be talking at six months, of course.
What possible thing is more manly than being a good dad
You wouldn't need pills for your boner if you didn't plan to use it, which very frequently results in a child
Since you specified deadbeats we know they're not going to step up and raise them, and societally we think people like that suck
Gonna be a lot of onion cutting in the Spoon household when he finally leaves to start his adult life.
The giddy joy of him telling it will stay with you forever.
Benjamin Netanyahuuu?
*Hangs up*
It is a wonderful thing to grow up so loved.
Step 1: Become repulsive to women
Step 2: Blame women for not being attracted to your whingy entitled dickishness
Step 3: Blame "woke" for making irritating conceited manbabies unattractive to women
Step 4: Become a pawn of fascist oligarchs
Step 5: Die alone