Last night we turned Bloor Street into an equivalent highway 401 for bicycles, because the government passed overreaching legislation to remove protected bicycle lanes in Toronto, and further restrict their installation everywhere in the province. #BikeTO #ONpoli
It was cool to see how many bikes were actually in use.
It was interesting watching that happen when I was in town in October. I think I saw 5 Door Dash guys delivering on bike, and boy, did they move fast.
And how funny is it that the bike lanes were faster at the protest!?
At any rate, tearing out bike lanes is lunacy and should only happen if Doug Ford has to execute the labor entirely by himself, bare-handed.
And just to make sure my disdain is evenly distributed - bicycles should have registration plates.
Plus Ontario’s website says bicyclists can take up the lane if it’s unsafe for cars to pass:
I agree bikes should have to register — but that will be $$ to taxpayers since plates are free + hard to administer / enforce.
cops want to stop.
Other groups should learn from your efforts because peaceful protests do get noticed contrary to the views of the rock-throwing types.
I am on the side of anything which helps not only traffic (TO is the worst) but also the environment. I am against Ford's draconian/undemocratic decisions. but...I am also reasonable enough to understand that in large cities bikers/cars will need to find a common ground. Mostly - respect.
Ford is 💩 and there isn't anything he touches that isn't.
Good job.
I tried to paste it here but it didn't work.
Well done!😀
David, did you know Thomas Tenkate? I think of him when these protests are ongoing.
We need more bike lanes, not less.
......Friday afternoon rush hours every week.