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Professor Emerita University of Toronto, long time academic (geography philosophy), intermittent activist, worried about climate, inequalities, the future of our planet...companion of an impish dog, terrible gardener, okay writer & sometime artist
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worried about Poilievre and sloganeering over solutions? see

from Alessandra Moctezuma - Mike Davis' 10 Immodest commandments for activism

This is a terrific plan! #onpoli

Our December Newsletter is out and it's jam packed! We talk about Disinformation, timely tips on having those conversations, modelling cooperation with ways you can help us and more! Check it out...and then subscribe! #onpoli #canpoli

Decided to go back in time and check out my tweets in the aftermath of Trump's 2016 win. Found this projection of Trump's effect on US CO2 emissions, so I plugged in actuals up to 2023. Don't think the projection was 'wrong' so much as people worked bloody hard to make it wrong.

The way to defeat Ford is right in front of us. Letter from Gord McNulty in the Toronto Star We agree! Here’s our Ontario plan: #CooperateToWin! #onpoli

If you watch something today please take time to watch my thoughts on the crisis facing Canadian democracy. We are in deeply uncertain times and parliament is failing to step up beyond dumbed down partisanship. Democracy is not meeting the crisis of the time.

Years ago we had the mayor bike to school with my 6 year old, within the first :30 seconds they were almost hit by a driver on live TV. Every leader should be required to ride a bike (if able) with a 6 year old before they provide any direction on bike infrastructure.

We could not agree more. #DougFord deserves to be voted out. The multiple crises we face require urgent action, not a business as usual approach. Urge NDP Liberal and Green, set partisan interests aside #CooperateToWin Sign and share our voting pledges

Last night we turned Bloor Street into an equivalent highway 401 for bicycles, because the government passed overreaching legislation to remove protected bicycle lanes in Toronto, and further restrict their installation everywhere in the province. #BikeTO #ONpoli

First, let’s work together to defeat Ford and the PC’s to put an end to the damage they are doing. A new voting system will not happen under a PC government. Splitting the vote between the centre left parties enables PC’s to win seats. We can argue later. #CooperateToWin

We have launched federal and provincial voting pledges as part of our efforts to prevent Conservatives from winning upcoming elections. Please sign and share #CooperateToWin #StopVoteSplitting

concerned about the upcoming election in Ontario, the consolidation of the conservatives - see

#PierrePoilievreIsAClimateChangeDenier #PierrePoilievreIsPathetic #PierrePoilievreIsBroken #PierrePoilievreIsUnelectable #NeverPoilievre #NeverVoteConservative #cdnpoli 👇