And Australia has a trade deficit with the usa (30bn per year) so with that and supporting the usa in Iraq and Afghanistan this would mean that we get 5 states of the usa to join Australia
Oh and America owes Canada about 3.2 billion to cover the cost of firefighters we sent to fight your fires and don't forget all the folks and resources we send for disaster assistance after your tornados and hurricanes. Next time you'll need to pay up BEFORE we help you because...well, Trump.
Next 911 America will have to pay before they can land their civilians aeroplanes in Canada. Plus the cost of housing and food. And the next time we rescue your stranded Iranian diplomats they're going to have fork over $25 million apiece BEFORE they fly. It's called the Trump standard
Yeah?, well next time if the States can't pay up then We'll tell the Muslim extremists to go ahead and do their worst.
We'll be using the Trump standard from this point forward.
Oh and BTW all our intelligence services will be feeding you bullshit because America can't be trusted to keep secrets.
Say it…you’re so darn right! This is also why I’m glad that these countries understand that we have an a-hole for a President in🇺🇸& it’s not us independent of him! 🫂🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🇺🇸, but I don’t🩵DJT or anyone who’s working for him!
This is the most important point. In the history of NATO, the only country to invoke article 5 is the USA following 9/11 to secure support for it's "War on Terror". 1160 Europeans died in Iraq and Afghanistan over the next 20 years for nothing. No compensation was sought by these US allies
Now those same allies aren't looking for boots on the ground for Ukraine, just continued material support from US excessive stockpile and a proper security for a country sacrificing so much in defence of their sovereignty and democracy against a true dictator.
Europe must certainly do more and not be so dependent on the US to fight this battle and all future battles which are for European security. But this will take time so Ukraine depends a lot on US support to fight on for a just peace. This is what allies do but USA seems determined to abandon allies
You know the US organised it to be that way. Britain had to hand over all sorts of things she was developing after the war AND took sixty years to pay back the US for Lend/Lease. The US never gave us anything.
While Germany profited from the Marshall plan after WWII, it had to sign an agreement in 1991 to keep their army limited to a maximum of 300000 and to not create and store biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. The price for the reunification of the two German states.
It's worth remembering that countries that were not yet part of NATO - Finland, Sweden - or were never NATO members - New Zealand - lost people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Will heads of such states in future agree to send any soldiers to risk their lives for US causes?
Absolutely. They certainly won't if Donald Trump successfully destroys the alliance. I've never seen a national leader so doggedly determined to undermine their allies and defend their foes. It stinks of Manchurian Candidate 🫣Also for the record 18 Ukrainians died in Iraq 🇺🇦
And Australians and New Zealanders, but through censorship and propaganda, Americans are not informed. They honestly believe they have done it all alone.
I shudder to think how Canada (or any country) would react now to an "Iran hostage" or "911" event today. Seems Canada has bailed out US more than they have ever helped us.
Aside from the phoney wars we help in almost every natural disaster far more than they help. Where's our 10 million "thanks"
I think there's a typo in "whine and dine" in that right meme. In fact the Cheeto Benito whines so much, I get sick of all the whining. I come up to his orange body, fat body, tears and my eyes and beg him: "Sir, please, Sir, can you please stop that whining?"
9/11 was a great scam. Insider job that allowed Bush/Cheney to attack Afghanistan & Iraq as a favor to Israel and get paid by other countries too. Good job Bush.
Good one Rick!! Heartbreaking crap President Zelenskyy was put through. An honest, courageous broker dealing with a sociopath and his minion! No help from the press as we’ve lost that freedom too! Sickening!
I wonder if it would still happen. I know most countries like Canada would step up. May have to hold their noses but they would do it for the American people and for democracy.
Right now America needs help from within. Where are the republicans? The silence is deafening, it makes you complicit
We likely would for the people. Not sure if we would for Trump anymore.
I can't remember my last business trip, but I haven't been back to the US since Trump was elected the first time. I don't travel as much as I used to but have been to Mexico, the DR, and Scotland over the past few trips.
They totally should. Just send an invoice to Congress and have 24 years of interest and late fees applied like credit card companies did before the CFPB.
Find the book, “14 Cows for America” -CA Deedy! What good countries do! We are all in this together, helping each other! This time, Ukraine! What’s next?
Their not as eager to help nowadays because of our fascist leaders who are hell-bent on world dominance with Russia. Americans are fucking embarrassed!
And the felon that sits in the Oval Office right now he collected money because he said he was going to help NYC rebuild!!
Just another flipping GRIFT. Originally from the village and my family still is there. Not a penny was given to the city of New York. I do have the newspaper article
Exactly. They are going to be friendless and poorer for it. Their own people will have to sort out their inevitable failures. Destroying vets,aid Medicare FAA. Tanking confidence. Share prices.
Shame. I feel deep shame that we have people in our country that voted for the biggest piece of shit our country has ever seen. Shame on them for putting us in this situation.
That's what good friends do. No strings no Quid Pro Quo. Donnie has no experience with friends since he's never had any. So why would he care about our allies. one of his lines "What's in it for me?" says it best.
If every one of our former allies abandon us, who is going to help out when the next 9/11 inevitably happens? Will the world even care, or will they just say we deserve it?
Yep. Good call. NATO backed us for 20 years in Afghanistan. If I lived in any other NATO country besides the US, I don't think I'd want to contribute to any US effort during this current administration.
The Maasai tribe from Africa offered 14 cows as assistance after 9/11. It was a very valuable gift from their people. Imagine having so little and offering it without thought of gain. Trump isn't just a fucking embarrassment. He's the scum of the earth.
Yeah as the country that opened our airports to those planes (any of which may have been taken by hijackers). I'm not sure we'd do that with a GOP president in the future, unless we start being recognized for everything we do.
There's not going to be any more assistance. The Trump regime wants to be thanked for assistance that the previous administration gave and Republicans tried to block.
CANADA .. specifically Newfoundland took in dozens of incoming flights during 911 when American skies were closed. These people opened their homes, their hearts and GAVE without a second thought or expectations of compensation 🇨🇦🙌
All major Canadian hospitals stood ready to assist. Unfortunately it was not needed. The callouseness of trump declaring he had the tallest building now, echoed his "what do you want me to do? Swim?" Reaction to the plane crash. Immediately spent $1 million to go golfing.
Exactly… in Canada planes with over 6,500 passengers landed in Gander, Newfoundland on 9/11. This is not a wealthy part of Canada and people gave from their hearts, everything they had…
But I remember the idiot that commented gleefully on the radio that this attack on the world trade buildings makes his building the tallest in New York City again!
Yes, or for us to constantly saying how grateful we are. America is not invincible, Zelensky was right, they have no idea what it means to have a waging war.
The difference between crawling and being crawled to. Dominance. Germany wanted its bank bailout money from Greece, even though Greece had pardoned its reparation payments after WWII.
Of Course Not.
No Democratic Country-In the History of the World-Ever *Expected* Another Democratic Country to, "Be Grateful", For Help Against An Invader!
None asked for their money back, but Trump lied, saying he lost hundreds of friends on 9/11.
He had no friends who died on 9/11. He still has no friends.
He also chuckled and bragged about having the tallest building in NYC after the Towers fell, thus demonstrating why he has no friends.
That's fair. But let's count Epstein as s friend of citrus, so MAGATS don't forget the company that citrus keeps. I want them to remember all of what and who they voted.
Mmhm, we also opened our homes and our airspace to you when your airspace was locked down.
We (begrudgingly) followed you into Afghanistan and Iraq, too.
Now your government wants to annex us.
With friends like these, eh?
Correct, not with the initial invasion. We still contributed to the war militarily. Not in a huge way and the way I phrased it does make it seem like I meant joined in initially.
I'm not all that certain that it was appropriate use of article 5. Didn't Republicans make a lot of false claims in an attempt to justify it? It wasn't another country that attacked us, it was terrorists.
Saudi terrorists at that.
It was a while ago, my memory is not perfect, but they were based in Afghanistan and the Afghan Taliban refused to give them up.
While they were in the neighbourhood they invaded Iraq for reasons of hubris.
Let's be honest, the average America doesn't even know other countries went and fought for them. The echo chamber called America has few clues about the rest of this world!
Pretty sure the residents of Gander, Newfoundland 🇨🇦 did not ask for their money back, or a fee for service, when they took care of close to 7,000 stranded passengers on 9/11. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
First time I ever seen anyone else referring to trump as antichrist, even if he fits perfectly.
But, they don't actually believe in antichrist, it's just very convenient to spam socials with the claim, when Obama is more charismatic then any maga could ever be
The antichrist isn't black, isn't a woman, isn't Muslim, isn't Catholic or Jewish, he is of Eastern European descent. And two men work together to ruin the world. And both are lifted to power by Christians.
Only Putin and his sidekick Orange Jesus fit the description in our now.
I haven’t heard any denominations putting out Press Releases denouncing Trump/Musk cruelty. You would think religions would be outraged at the level of hatred toward vulnerable people they spew. But religion like journalism, like the senate and Supreme Court , can be bought.
Everything is corrupt.
If something like 9/11 happened again, tomorrow even. I KNOW for a fact that Gander would still welcome all the planes and the people stranded there. It’s the nature of Maritimers, the great people of Newfoundland.
We just had a plane of American students land in St. John’s enroute to Ireland due to a medical emergency. They got stranded here in high winds for a few days. What did we do? We taught them how to curl & showed them the local attractions. That’s how you treat neighbours.
Most of the people in the US don't want what is happening, but the US government is 100% betraying these countries and bailing on our allies. Trump is a traitor, as is everyone who supports him.
Exactly correct. Plus, the United States promised to support Ukraine after they gave up their Russian made nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union. Ukraine wanted to keep them to deter Russia from any military action.
We owe them.
and zero will step up next time. and there WILL be a next time. america has f*cked itself. but hey, the voters knew this would happen, so they got what they wanted. now, they'll get what they deserve. taking all the world down with them...
During World War II, the USSR received approximately $11 billion in assistance from the United States through the Lend-Lease program, which equates to roughly $180 billion in today's currency; this included items like tanks, aircraft, trucks, food, and petroleum products.
This aid played a crucial role in supporting the Soviet war effort, especially during the early stages of the German invasion when the Soviet Union was struggling to produce enough military equipment.
This is my biggest fear.
Nome of our allies will help us if it happens again .
With Trump ,it is not if ,but when
He is unversially hated except for dictators ,
Because he is their useful idiot
Sadly you're right. There will be no help coming to America, should they be in need, until Donald and Vance is out of there. And probably many many years after. Donald destroyed something very valuable, all because of his fragile ego.
I hope they learned yesterday that under the current regime we are no longer worthy of their assistance. They shouldn’t lift a finger to help us if we are attacked.
The Americans who were landed and hosted by our kind Canadians after 9/11 remember the unlimited love and support shown to them during that attack on their country. Sadly, many have forgotten.
And you sent your super scoopers just in January to help with our fires in LA. And our administration repays you by imposing tariffs. What a slap in the face.
Absolute insanity to not thank Mexico and Canada and turn around and act like they should be grateful if we make them our 51st state. When I heard him say that i thought WTF- did you just say that out loud???? For real? Canadians are our friends and amazing neighbors. WHY?!?
It's a financial play he's making. Manipulating markets to get himself and his friends rich. Trying to crash our economy. Hopes we will come begging to be American when he's done. We are already retaliating, just wait and see what Canada does, this will last generations. He grabbed the wrong beaver.
The young American troops who served alongside your soldiers in OIF/OEF are now senior enlisted and officers. I hope to God they keep their heads and know when to disobey unlawful orders. Most Americans see you as friends, not targets. ❤️
It’s not just Trump and his minions spewing it
It’s the media normalizing it
It’s the Republicans normalizing it
It’s the Democrats having philosophical discussions about how it could help them since we lean left as a country
No one says “Hey. This is illegal. We can’t even discuss this. It’s wrong”
Ik vind het een mooie tekst maar waar komt deze informatie vandaan?
Ik ben namelijk altijd nogal fel op het delen van nep-nieuws dus ik wil het even checken voordat ik het deel.
Yep the USA is the only country in NATOs history to invoke article 5 after 9/11. Thousands of NATO troops died and were seriously injured. NOT just USA ones either.
Canada was relied upon very heavily at that time. People even opened their doors to accomodate plane redirection to Canada. This was Newfoundland's contribution bc aircraft were being redirected to Goose Bay.
Maybe they did too good of a job, considering the orange dumpling 51st state idea. 😕
America constantly gave Isreal undeserved amounts of money and not once anyone asked for it to be paid back. Now,suddenly, they are acting like Ukraine is some sort of ungrateful deadbeat? They didn't ask to be invaded. Stop the invasion, and they won't need help.
it's only bc Putin has his dick in Donald's mouth. Dump and FElon are in Russia's pockets and should be tried as the treasonous sons of bitches they are, along with every Republican bastard that supports them.
Or Canada asking for money back to current cleanup of the nuclear waste generated when Canada refined uranium for the Manhattan project. … forgot that
Trump and his cronies are illiterate or deniers of history.
And we Canadians, not only participated in a world war that US denied joining, we even gave refuge to stranded travelers on the horrible 9/11 day and the return we got is 25% tariffs on all CDN goods/Services crossing the US.
Disgusting USA!
We Canadians HATE the USA!
But to be honest, >50% of the american people vote for that loser. I understand your point, but thats the tragedy to differentiate between the good and the bad ones !
I agree, but not voting is acceptance , otherwise you are able to prevent such circumstances. They also to blame for that ignorance is absolut correct!
Not really people were let down by our justice system when were told Trump would not have consequences for his crimes. America has become corrupt until that is fixed votes don’t matter
Well maybe they should say hey do you remember that time when USA needed our help and we gave it to you. Now since you are going to do that to Ukraine well we want our money back.
Australia has sent fire fighters to assist with fighting US wild fires on several occasions. We've never asked for money. It's always been a case of we have your back, and we know you will have ours in similar circumstances.
Rather than joining the fight against fascism by sending military forces like Canada, Australia, NZ, and other commonwealth countries, the US sent material support- and leveraged this to create the international order that Trump now claims is “ripping off” the US
That was the plan. It was a lend/lease agreement. Congress at the time would not have approved financial assistance. That’s how Roosevelt found a way around the isolationists.
Now, we're stuck with selfish, greedy grifters who lack even a shred of decency or empathy.
We'll be using the Trump standard from this point forward.
Oh and BTW all our intelligence services will be feeding you bullshit because America can't be trusted to keep secrets.
I wanna see that.
Don’t hold your breath.
Canada lost 158 soldiers in Afghanistan, plus more who later died by suicide.,to%20additional%20deaths%20by%20suicide
Canada even declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbor *before* the US did.
As a Canadian from this point onward any politician here who offers aid to the United States loses my vote permanently.
Trump is a piece of shit, but the majority of politicians there back him or don’t really fight.
It won’t happen again
Most countries would/should shoot down any USA plane in the same situation
Aside from the phoney wars we help in almost every natural disaster far more than they help. Where's our 10 million "thanks"
Right now America needs help from within. Where are the republicans? The silence is deafening, it makes you complicit
I can't remember my last business trip, but I haven't been back to the US since Trump was elected the first time. I don't travel as much as I used to but have been to Mexico, the DR, and Scotland over the past few trips.
Does the US get any money back from Israel? (I mean US not Trump personally)
Yet, the amount of disrespect from Trump and Elon is frankly disgusting.
We have to spend ALL of our money on defence- again US/SR
Dang, Bluesky, an edit option is needed.
Just another flipping GRIFT. Originally from the village and my family still is there. Not a penny was given to the city of New York. I do have the newspaper article
Apparently, douchebags have a very limited attention span.
Not a chance they'd help us.
Which isn't a reason not to help them.
But it kind of makes me hope we build nuclear weapons, secretly.
Me, not sure I’d want to let them land if the orange felon was in power.
No Democratic Country-In the History of the World-Ever *Expected* Another Democratic Country to, "Be Grateful", For Help Against An Invader!
Simple As That!
America - and the World - Know! 🇺🇸 🌍
He had no friends who died on 9/11. He still has no friends.
He also chuckled and bragged about having the tallest building in NYC after the Towers fell, thus demonstrating why he has no friends.
We (begrudgingly) followed you into Afghanistan and Iraq, too.
Now your government wants to annex us.
With friends like these, eh?
I was looking under Canadian Involvement -> Military participation
It was a while ago, my memory is not perfect, but they were based in Afghanistan and the Afghan Taliban refused to give them up.
While they were in the neighbourhood they invaded Iraq for reasons of hubris.
All the NATO soldiers, non-US citizens, who died in those operations?
Apparently not.
But, they don't actually believe in antichrist, it's just very convenient to spam socials with the claim, when Obama is more charismatic then any maga could ever be
Only Putin and his sidekick Orange Jesus fit the description in our now.
Everything is corrupt.
If something like 9/11 happened again, tomorrow even. I KNOW for a fact that Gander would still welcome all the planes and the people stranded there. It’s the nature of Maritimers, the great people of Newfoundland.
I love my country 🇨🇦❤️
Freedom of Speech
Now what does everyone else do about it?
We owe them.
Or roughly 50% of annual Russian GDP!
Nome of our allies will help us if it happens again .
With Trump ,it is not if ,but when
He is unversially hated except for dictators ,
Because he is their useful idiot
You're perfectly capable of doing that domestically.
It’s the media normalizing it
It’s the Republicans normalizing it
It’s the Democrats having philosophical discussions about how it could help them since we lean left as a country
No one says “Hey. This is illegal. We can’t even discuss this. It’s wrong”
If anyone invades we can invoke article 5.
Ik ben namelijk altijd nogal fel op het delen van nep-nieuws dus ik wil het even checken voordat ik het deel.
Maybe they did too good of a job, considering the orange dumpling 51st state idea. 😕
or anything for that matter
If the R's in congress were willing to, this could all end in a day
instead they choose to neglect the OATH the took to the Constitution
Trump and his cronies are illiterate or deniers of history.
Disgusting USA!
We Canadians HATE the USA!
Siri, you're fucking killing me
It was only in 2006 that the UK stopped paying America back for its belated help in WW2.
Assistance given because it helped us too 💪