Men of America - we need tone doing MUCH better
Men of America - we need tone doing MUCH better
Women are targeted less. But talk more about it.
Women are afraid men will laugh at them.
Men are afraid women will shoot them?
Sorry, that doesn't quite cut it.😁
Read Of Boys and Men, published 2023.
Yes––murder, war, crime, domestic violence, rape, are all male problems, but how do we solve the problem?
Harris made a big mistake in not trying to court this important demographic early on to address this.
Just how would you tell that this woman was born with a penis?
Redefine Realness by Janet Mock.
*Rough translation*
"I always said the best thing we can tell our kids and our grandkids is. To tell them proudly, I was the protagonist in changing the country. "
Women are statistically more collaborative and less individualistic. It’s why we are the builders of society even while we don’t get to write the narrative or rules.
If they can’t control us they risk losing sexual access
I taught my daughter that’s it’s more important to be respected by boys than to be nice to them.
You all need to call out your friends, brothers, coworkers, and we all (including women) need to raise our sons better.
And you do need to discuss for your sons and brothers, nephews and students
And I’ve witnessed a shit load of misogyny here. From light to espresso roast
When the women started carrying rolling pins, attitudes shifted very quickly.
I kept mine because of republicans.
not govern himself? When the white man governs himself that is self-government,
And ⅓ of domestic violence admissions to hospital are men injured by women.
The safest relationships for dv are same sex male; conversely the most dangerous is same sex female
Domestic violence has NO gender
Sexual violence doesn't start and end with r*pe
It starts in our books and behind our school gates
Men are scared women will laugh in their face
Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take
Yes it spells hahah for a reason. It's self imposed too which makes it even sadder
We dare not think the thought that they might want to kill us.
Trans people deserve the same dignity and safety as cis people!
Who I am, and Who I represent need to be the same. That is my truth. #trans
Then google how men are far less likely for a variety of factors to report being victims of domestic violence than women.
Then go count how many shelters are in America for male victims of domestic violence
Would be nice if we could at least not think every random guy is out to get us.
It would be a terrifying way to live.
ALL women know what it feels like.
90% of all hospitalisation for partner assault injuries are women.
Also, once you stop the BS and start listening and being a better friend, more opportunities start to come your way.
Been married now over 20 yrs and we started as friends.
Being a kind person goes a lot farther than acting tough.
Walking alone after dark into a poorly lit parking garage,
(Or to our own front door)... keys in fist, terrified.
I had knives in my face more than once as a teenager. Got beatings for no reason.
Men are much more likely to be victims of violence overall (in the UK at least) and are much more likely to die from it.
I was scared every time I left the house.
VAWG is appalling. So is VAMB.
All young men know this fear. It's one of the reasons they become violent themselves.
Which in no way excuses their violence towards anyone of course.
4.31 deaths per 100,000 people in 2021, seven times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.57 deaths per 100,000 people — and about 340 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.013 deaths per 100,000.
Without protective factors like decent education, housing, parenting, prospects, youth facilities and communities, violence will spiral.
I'm just done with stupid people.
It's already been tested and now it's a proven fact.
Just sayin'
💙 Margaret Atwood 💙
testosterone is def a hellofa drug.
OMG! This is like a black guy getting shot by cops and somebody saying, "Well, to be fair... he could've turned that darn rap music down!"
Insightful truth. ;:=)
Because boys will be boys, and they only do that if they like you. There are changes but not enough.
He’s going to die single!
And no… I don’t typically joke about sexual assault or domestic violence. I can’t stand that song thought that’s nothing to do with the subject matter.
You can't kill a bear. If you think you can kill a bear stop doing cocaine
Fear leading to hatred is only a small consequence, often it just remains as fear.
You must be thinking of Republicans.
Ultimately it comes down to understanding and we do that by communicating and listening not pointing fingers and blaming.
Sure. Keep thinking that.
"Ma'am, I fear that the girls will laugh at me. I fear the boys will beat the living snot out of me."
Wonder if the success of Bluesky CEO, and Signal President, has anything to do with Zuckerberg’s need to have more “masculine energy” at Meta?
Feeling threatened Mr Zuck?
Y'all haven't put that together yet, huh..
One of these things causes the other.
I fear we are going to have to live thru the painful backlash until we find an equilibrium.
missed the space, hit the n instead of the b
Men need to be doing better.
Guys were saying at the start of the MeToo movement “I’m afraid to come to work. It’s like everything I do and say is scrutinized”
And I say, “you mean like women have felt for the past 80 years?”