He LITERALLY SAID, "Flat out, no woman should be in combat". You can't get much more of a clear, definitive statement, especially from a politician. There is no ambiguity. They're going to act like he didn't say that, or was taken out of context, and confirm him. The 💩is crazy.
I am more worried that he refused to answer the question about following an order from Trumpy about breaking the constitution! Stating a war or turning the military against Americas!
don’t worry babe, that’s exactly what the rest of his cult do all the time…just walk around lost..clueless, dumb as a fucking box of rocks. Y’all should be used to it.
That's all lost on them. If there's no museum of monster trucks or gun shows, they don't want to see it. You can spend days in D.C. and still not see all the amazing things it has to offer.
Born and raised in CA and I've never been to the East Coast. The only reason I want to go is to see the history of our nation. These people are idiots walking around blindly and lost.
It was determined the crowd size was going to be much smaller than 2017. The cold forecast gave them an excuse to move it indoors so as not embarrass Trump. Spent thousands to be there? Suckers!
Bwahahaha. They have “thousands” to spend but moaned about the price of eggs. Only these incurious dipshits wouldn’t know what to do in the nation’s capital full of historical sights and museums.
I would have had compassion the first time around. Knowing everything that they know now and they still voted for him. I am done. I think of it as self preservation at this point.
That’s what’s going around in FB - they moved it inside because they feared he’d be pew-pew’ed. Doesn’t exactly explain why the hundreds of thousands of invitations were sent out, though.
As I was typing that, I wondered if they knew what a monument was. Southern MAGA only recognize them if a Confederate general’s name is attached, and it’s too long for the yankee MAGA to understand.
DC probably has the most interesting, high quality, and free stuff to do of any city in the country. If you are blundering around downtown there, you are lacking in brains, imagination, or both.
Well-if you would have brought a million of your compadres-he would have stood in the cold. But since it seemed to him that there might be 1,000 ppl there to see him-he didn’t want ppl counting his crowds!
Tragic. So tragic. It's almost as bad has having your entire town washed away by floodwaters (here in western NC) or having your entire town burn in a drought-fueled wildfire as people who don't believe in climate change blame the fire on the state's politics.
Exactly! Wait until they see the cost of goods soaring, fruits & vegetables hard to find & costing a fortune, and the eggs.... The first of thousands of dumb realizations that they voted for a criminal out to screw THEM. Let the awakenings begin! 🏁 #schadenfreude
One of the best cities to be stuck in with plenty of time. Some of the most extraordinary museums, historical landmarks, and galleries in the world, nearly all of them free.
I heard there's some touristy sites in DC. Memorials, monuments, phallic symbols, museums, institutes, a giant Abe Lincoln. A huge city dedicated to remembering shit about America.
My one wish is that one or more of those 2025 MAGA Trump leg-hugging oligarchs in attendance on Monday slips on a pile of poop left by the MAGA insurrectionists on 1/6/21
So now it’s because Trump’s ‘in danger’ lolz.
Dude is a soft, palm beach PAB who can’t deal w cold weather.
But of course they have to create panic among the rubes about a potential attempt on their dear leader’s life. Yawn.
As if they didn’t know it would be cold at the inauguration on January 20. Trump doesn’t want to be humiliated by the small crowd sizes.
Pieces of suit, "gold" sneakers, NFTs, Truth Social stock.....
If they lost money on this, they fully deserve it.
An anthem is born.
It can't be that he doesn't give a single solitary shit about you, so I wonder how that could have happened...
Stupid is as stupid does.
OH, I see. She's just dumb and didn't understand what she was writing.
Is this MAGA cult member worried about Trump catching a cold? 😂
Glad to hear she wasted thousands of dollars traveling to DC for an event she won't get to see in person.
How’d they swing hotels and flights to DC?
Dude is a soft, palm beach PAB who can’t deal w cold weather.
But of course they have to create panic among the rubes about a potential attempt on their dear leader’s life. Yawn.
Dumb Americans.