Democrats who vote in favor on this CR are scared of the MAGA tactic of being blamed? is that right? HELLLLLOOOO. both the house/senate have a MAJORITY they dont need your vote! why are you accommodating them?
Every damn time. Screw . He’s out for himself. Time to get rid of the old guard. C’est fini. Time for a new party. Everyone unfollow him, don’t send them any money. They aren’t listening to us. Just like 47. #byebyebye
Be careful here. You have a point, yet it’s not the people. Dem Senators vote for him to be their leader. Why? Is it Wall St? It certainly isn’t his charisma.
Every State bears its own shame. Please don’t scapegoat the people.
Starting to wonder about Schumer. Does Putin have something on him? (What the people want doesn’t seem to count here. They can’t even protect the elections. We are trapped by corruption on all sides)
Lived upstate for over 50 years. Never thought it was cool. Most of my state tax dollars went to support that huge money suck NYC and a certain religious sect that drained social services and voted as a bloc.
Sex pest
Feckless loser
Sex pest
Feckless loser
Every State bears its own shame. Please don’t scapegoat the people.
This is how Hitler took power in 1933. A paper Reichstag relinquished any power it once had.
Thanks for helping the Nazis, Chuck. Fool.