Our Forefathers came to this country for freedom of thought, and religious expression. They were being persecuted in England for that expression. I will never let that go. We have our rights.
Stop the madness. The answer is Gay Valimont and Josh Weil running for the house in Florida's Special election April 1st. Send donations now. Flip the house!
They are fake Christians. Jesus weeps. God would put them out
All religions promote equality. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Welcome the refugee. Care for the sick. Feed the hungry. There is nothing Christian or Godly about the criminal enterprise running our country
Evangelicals (they are not Christian)-there is a difference (imagine the Pharisees and the Sadducees on one side and the apostles and disciples on the other)
Pharisees didn't ask to be Christianity's eternal scapegoat. Whatever evangelicals are, they certainly aren't Jews, since no Jew is going to claim to worship a demigod.
I have never seen the need to be religious. Science and humanity is more than enough for me. No need to put the responsibility for my life outside my life.
💯 🎯
It's pretty much what the bastards've done throughout history. It's not hard to understand if you read the Old Testament. Despite the claim of being Omni, the deity is a lazy POS. Sending humans to slaughter others? He can't just speak & fix the problem just as he said "let there be light?"🤷🏼♀️
It's not supposed to be a 'Christian' nation. Read the Constitution.
It's supposed to be welcoming, fair and law abiding.
Fat chance of any of that with these fascist criminals in charge.
Morbidly rich! Morbidly means in a way that is unusual and is regarded as disturbing or unhealthy. Super rich people HAVE become disturbing & unhealthy.
The terrorists who breaks laws and God's rules while claiming in best interest of serving God. It's a lie, it's shameful rich oligarchs serving only their own bank accounts.
Is that an oxymoron or doublespeak? Asking for a friend.
FIFY. those aren’t christians. like, at all.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
Please consider joining and/or donating.
#CINO = christian in name only
All religions promote equality. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Welcome the refugee. Care for the sick. Feed the hungry. There is nothing Christian or Godly about the criminal enterprise running our country
It's pretty much what the bastards've done throughout history. It's not hard to understand if you read the Old Testament. Despite the claim of being Omni, the deity is a lazy POS. Sending humans to slaughter others? He can't just speak & fix the problem just as he said "let there be light?"🤷🏼♀️
It's supposed to be welcoming, fair and law abiding.
Fat chance of any of that with these fascist criminals in charge.