Those Paul Weiss has betrayed include lawyers who have worked with the firm and law professors who have steered their students there. Belonging to both groups, I feel doubly betrayed. That once great firm should back out of its Trump deal. Better late than never!
All Putin did to get aukraine was send over a painting of Trump and pray for him. Thats how easily Trump getvpkayed by dictators
Doubt you follow me but we need answers
Wake up. Yesterday Trump put out memo to his DOJ to go after all lawyers and litigants who bring what he deems frivolous lawsuits to rein him in
His goal is to punish all that dare to sue his administration, or to scare them into not bringing the actions
In broad daylight even.
$40 million is the price tag to stay in good graces with the king?
Do you want decades of Trump family ruling the USA?
He already usurped Congressional authority over the budget, making law, and repealing law.
Face it. He now rules as a dictator.
No potential client should hire a firm that can’t defend itself in court.
The law is on their side, if the political reality is not.
He unilaterally sets the budget, makes law, and repeals laws.
He imposes criminal and civil penalties without due process while he is immune.
He is a dictator and every day he is not overthrown his dictatorial power is institutionalized.
Horrible deal you made with the devil
It sums up well how the rest of us feel about lawyers, too.
Setting aside the cynicism:
Lawyers could set an example by staging a one day strike at every law firm across the country.
It’s up to them.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Amazing when they do it voluntarily.
If Trump isn't following the law and Constitution, if the law and Constitution cannot be upheld, why should we follow it? The only way out of this is with pitchforks.
Pres Biden did not. ie. Biden respected distance between Executive and Judiciary. Impeach Trump/Bondi!
Not necessarily in that order plus the fact that they're moral and ethical cowards just adds to the mix.
And they're scared of Trump.
It is as if the managing partners have sold the firm, have sold their reputation & instead of somebody paying them — they're the ones paying $40 million!!
So easy/best deal for Felon47 !!!
Stay vigilant, nullify despotism. 💙
google, meta, Amazon...Paul Weiss...all bent the knee. if they do, how do you have any hope for the smaller guys?
most prestigious firms.
Yet innocent people are being thrown into detention camps & the careers of military heroes, female & male,
are callously erased
It seems like the dicktator & his supremacist maggot morons are getting away with a lot
lowest form of animal on the planet.
Shakespeare was right about them.
After this nazi trump shit show there's a whole lot of work to do.
Real sustainable work that is.
On many levels.
Something simple YOU can do RIGHT NOW to help the #Resistance.
Watch the video/read the text thread to see how evidence was collected, sourced & verified. Including by – the US Gov Dept that oversees election results.
Humanity and Species extinction is at stake.
The battle continues...
To provide more accuracy - and useful historical perspective - the label "collaborator" seems fair.
Steven Spielberg
John McEnroe
Meg Ryan
Ina Garten
Mark Messier
Robert Rubin
Patti Lupone
George Lucas
Bob Marley Family
Jim Cramer
Spike Lee
Sigourney Weaver
Jonathan Demme
How do you suppose it would feel..
to pen the phrase "the Consent of the Gov'd"(DoI) for the first time in history..
Fight for It ..
Win It..
Safeguard It
w the closest thing to Freedom & Self-Determination yet devised
see Us now?
"..If you can keep It" (Franklin)