Every new thing you’re trying to learn, like every book you read or every course you take - absorb it like it’s the ultimate truth. Follow it to the core. And see what sticks and works for YOU. Don’t be judgmental from the get go - you never know what you don’t know.
1. Figure out what you're really good at, then work on being self aware to recognize what you're not good at. Surround yourself and connect with people that are like minded at the core bit are really good at everything else you're not.
Start your “Nonlinear Resume,” a living, breathing portfolio of every odd project, crazy idea, or experimental failure you take on. In 10 years, it won’t be your GPA or first job that shapes your career—it’ll be the time you launched a micro-podcast or video series on TikTok
Don’t be afraid to restart your career from scratch. I did that in my late 30s after the 2007 market crash. Went from sales and marketing to IT Network administration. Phase 3 coming soon….
Qui est-ce que tu écoutes ?
Quelqu'un qui a déjà fait ce que tu veux faire ?
It looks hard because you haven't started yet.
Start now.