If sendou ink had a "comp analyzer" (input 4 weapons, get info out) what kind of info would you like to see?
Also does anyone know if there exists a list of ranges per weapon 🤔
Also does anyone know if there exists a list of ranges per weapon 🤔
in the field "Range".
So for Wiper (id 8010) it would be 13.0
Physical range you can find here (wiper)
Including hitbox and paint size/distance/falloff, etc. So you could calculate range and paint accurately.
also while im here, the damage calculator has been broken in light theme for a while now
(Many of these are not intuitive, hence an explanation of *why* they work would also be nice and super useful~)
it would be nice to see a range count, weapon type and sub/special count… but that seems quite basic to understand already
-Damage combos
-Notable teams that have ran it, and maybe what sets
-Playstyle suggestions(?) (I dont know if that's possible)
W idea holy sendou you're cooking
Damage/Combo Potential
Best suited to playing the objective or displaying possible roles certain weapons can take would be intresting I think,
Splatana Stamper (35-70)
Slosher (50-70)
Dread Wringer (42-48)
Custom Dualie Squelchers (28)
Subs: Burst, Splat, Suction, Beakon
Specials: Zipcast, Tristrike, Slider, Chumps
-No Cooler
-Low combo value (CDS)
+Lethal bombs
Stamper (35, 55; 70, 140)
horiz far, horiz near; vert far, vert near
Slosher (50-70)
Glooga Dualies (36, 52.5)
standard, turret
Splat Charger (40-80, 160)
tap range, charge value
Flingza (40-150, 30-150, 125)
vert, horiz, roll
Like inputting Pen - vDualie - vStamper - Jr would be “Dive”,
and then switching the Dualie - Stamper for Tetra + Mint would be “Tetra Dive”
It could then link to guides on how to play Dive (like mine and ProChara’s!)
Just I think adding any kind of information about how to play the comp would be better than just “this comp doesn’t have a bomb” or “this comp runs at people”
And these resources could give players a launching off point :D
I’m not really sure what it could teach then that’s not just revealed on the weapon screen
Things like Win Rate tracking would be good to keep in mind just it’d be on a weapon-by-weapon basis
Do you have ideas?
that sounds like alot of work but would help tons
best i can think of is using where the reticle is placed (which i do have a list for), but that leaves out rollers/brushes, and then buckets/bows can hit farther than the reticle easily
buckets and bows i could use the range at which the farthest bullet hits the ground when aiming straight
and then blob, well, i guess where the blobs expire when shooting straight?
it's all weird and complicated
VoDs are possible day 1 of course.
Then for the hypothetical comp analyzer it could list you stuff that is exact match or 3x match or 2x match.
ie: an explo, blaster, a rain weapon, and a burst bomb weapon might cause an output of "heavy chip damage", or a pencil/nsplash/shot core might output "high paint"
- table of sub/specials & alts (if you switch kits while keeping same main weapons what is reachable)
- distance bar graph
- ""meta score"" based on Takoroka Top 500 results per mode
- "warnings" e.g. if you are lacking a bomb and explain why it could be a problem
- dmg combo table
A measure of "meta-ness" feels like it might push ppl to experiment less? I'd rather encourage critical thinking when building comps.
Do you know if RM dps is already calculated somewhere?