Apparently all you have to say is "All the r*pists and criminals come from Mexico so im gonna deport them all" and there are enough racist bigoted idiots in this country to elect you to the presedency.
They are immersed in a cult of personality. They are misguided for now until something bad happens to them or someone they know personally. Then they'll have to start thinking for themselves and change their ways.
I can't get there. It's physically impossible for me to shut down enough neural connections to square that circle. Maybe if I had a full neocortical lobotomy, I'd be able to drool over a maga description of trump. If a few cells are left firing, I could sing about leopards and faces afterwards.
He campaigned on punching his supporters in the dick. The got elected and promptly started punching them in the dicks and they are all like "why is Joe Biden punching me in the dick".
My dislike for this POS goes back to the early to mid 80s! He was in the news with his I’m better than you bullshit, smug ass attitude. He gave me the creeps even back then! I was in high school and couldn’t stand his whole demeanor. Mom had a saying, when they’re dripping with honey, don’t (1/2)
trust them! They’re hiding something, and you need to keep your eye on them! Like I said, he’s a creeper and he hasn’t change. In other words, a leopard can’t change its spots!! He’s not upholding his oath, has done enough to be impeached! As the opposition, make it clear where you stand!!
The Republicans have been working on this for the last 20 years or so. The dumbing down of America is almost complete as they will exceed 50% of the population, if they haven't already done so. Most Americans cannot recognize a fact from fiction, they just repeat what they are told. 🤔
Ugh .. conservative, drivelling, pretentious mutton dressed as lamb. Dyed blonde cougars frothing over a bloated elderly felon with an extremely low IQ.
What do republican blondes and cow pats have in common?
The older they are, the easier to be picked up by Trump 💩
Even when I think I have a rational grasp of how this was possible, I still can’t believe this happened. Trump has screamed self-obsessed bad guy for absolutely decades. How anyone wasn’t able to see that blows my mind.
Their POV is: so YOU say. I don't believe it.
They used to say: show me the evidence. Now we have the courts as evidence. They say: liberal corrupt courts
The point is without a free confession by trump and associates, there will be an excuse no matter what. Some won't believe a confession
You provided only a partial list, space does not permit the rest. And for some reason, in a nation of 350 million, this is the PREFERRED choice to be in charge of all military, financial and governance challenges.
👏 I applaud your fantastic job using the maximum number of adjectives which all accurately describe the incalculable flaws of this questionable human being
I know many people who are that stupid. Two of them are my sons, unfortunately. I have no excuse. I raised them better than that, I really don’t know what happened.
On the other hand the minimum wage hasn't increased since 2009 and when poor folks complained about the economy in 2024 prominent Dems called them "whiners".
And then Trump won because scores of Dem voters didn't vote for anybody in 2024.
There's a $2.7T surplus in Social Security trust fund and why MAGA GOP, Trump, and South African Nazi Musk want it! If they take this, then they owe $2.7T to all Americans, with exception to billionaires. This is a discussion that is happening my fellow Americans, be alert!
And then, being so confident that Trump is a great leader that they proudly wear his name with pride as a label of their devotion while taking every opportunity to repeat his lies as facts.
He was being congratulated on FOX news for bringing back Christianity to Christians. Apparently not only in the US but globally. The anchors said it was prophetic. WTAF.
Now imagine you admire him so much that you fly flags with his name on your front lawn, wear clothing with his face on it and blow cash on his shitty sneakers and NFTs.
I mean, I’m not sure why I should be paying my student loans back to the dept of ed if there is no department of education lol. Especially a loan that’s been sold three times over to different creditors — all businesses owned by republicans with their headquarters in a #businessfirst southern state
So many praised the ultra rich here and the said the rich would leave “and take their jobs” with them overseas. I never cared. I always knew their jobs would eventually get way shittier (and they did). So many still stand and forgive them for paying $0 in taxes.
Visiting family. Got into political conversation. Yes, I can believe this post. The arguments are like a pile of yarn played by ten cats simultaneously. The fam is a FoxNews viewer 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏼
You realize, of course, that the psychotic orange traitor will only understand a few of those words & phrases, don't you?
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
The members of the MAGA cult are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. By design. It's taken the GOP decades of careful planning, gerrymandering, education gutting, and propaganda feeding to breed them this dumb.
Just a bunch of ignorant, greedy, selfish, bigoted bags of shit in human skin.
Well, I have to save this. It caps off my hatred for this country. I remember thinking …this is the worst during the Iran-Contra hearings under Ronald Reagan. What I didn’t realize was: Project 2025 began then. Systematic destruction of our rights, democracy, institutions. Fuck the GOP.
Read these books by Dr. Bandy X. Lee: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump and her follow up book: The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Psychiatrists discuss the truth of his mental condition which demonstrates his severe mental illness and concomitant bizarre behavior. Look into this NOW!
While all of this is complelty true what is often is ignored is his base, he is a fucking moron. I believe he is nothing but the face of this. People like those in Project 2025 are running the show and allowing him to absorb the brunt of hate and disdain while they continue to force their agenda.
Well, I *used* to think I had a great imagination, but I just realized how limited it is because there is no way in hell I can imagine that! Thanks for setting me straight! 🤣😂🤣
Stupid is collective & has no critical thinking skills. I blame media & overcrowded public schools. Plus parents must work to survive so children are not cherished as they should be.
Never forgive, never forget...
#FuckCorruption #FuckTheDOJ #FuckDOGE
Unfortunately America's impact is global and we are all suffering because of one mentally ill man-baby and his sycophantic cult.
Gawd I'd love to hear him riff on the orange idiot.
What do republican blondes and cow pats have in common?
The older they are, the easier to be picked up by Trump 💩
Yeah, I don't think he's that great either!
They used to say: show me the evidence. Now we have the courts as evidence. They say: liberal corrupt courts
The point is without a free confession by trump and associates, there will be an excuse no matter what. Some won't believe a confession
And then Trump won because scores of Dem voters didn't vote for anybody in 2024.
The Dems have to be progressive again, to win.
They are him.
It's a cult.
"That" is brainwashed. It is a real thing.
They are so damned stupid.
They will let him steal the country in exchange for that one thing.
Most are Hypernormalised.
We all are.
It’s just that some of us know it and are trying to free ourselves, whilst most people don’t even know that they are enslaved to it.
It's time, pass it on
"Tax wealth, not work!"
They must pay right ???
It's their faults !!!
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Just a bunch of ignorant, greedy, selfish, bigoted bags of shit in human skin.
Bull !
They talk the game
Their actions don’t match it
This country needs a dose of reality