Thanks for sharing, as I wondered what the statistics were. I agree! Now, with the latest breaking story about the potential rebate fraud scandal in Canada, I'm hoping they (🇨🇦) will LOCK HIM UP!
Because the probability of a Tesla or other EV blowing up is 0.0012% and the probability of an ICE catching fire is 0.1%. It's just that the Teslas are more noticeable. Please can we fight Elon for the right reasons, not because of misinformation?
I'm thinking of scenes from Fight Club of the narrator, who works for a major car manufacturer, talking about recalls-allegedly based on leaked GM memos.
We’re talking about a country that banned the sale of lawn darts because a couple of kids got injured with them. This is the same country whose right wing keeps telling us that schoolyard machine-gun massacres are an unavoidable fact of life.
I don’t know how their conscious let them!?!? They’re the NEWS! How did absolutely everything become so corrupt? Is there no truth or honesty anymore? Does anyone care?
It’s been a while, but I thought he ran for president or some high office. My dad read his reports. Needless to say, we peeked at them too. Even as a kid, he impressed me.
I'm old enough to remember the Ford Pinto story. Weirdly, because when I saw "Beverly Hills Cop" as a kid, I was relieved he drove a "crappy blue Chevy Nova", not a Pinto, because they kinda look the same.
sadly it already had but is certainly at all time highs for producing illiterate and ignorant people. Sadly, Bush’s no child left behind and 🍊🤡 have sealed the fate of our educational institutions. Reagan and Prop 13 in California decimated our education, libraries, fire departments and police.
Because America is not the America it used to be. You have let a very fucked up psychopath take you where you were going anyway!
Trump us not the problem, he is the RESULT!
The sad part about the Pinto, the Chevrolet truck and after years and years of litigation the people who sued got absolutely nothing. Not one red cent. Except the attorneys, now they go paid.
Simply because President Musk controlled the narrative using billions of taxpayer dollars to threaten lawsuits, make excuses, and a cult following. Hopefully the crappy designs and fascist rhetoric from Elonia will tank the company permanently.
Sadly, I think in today's day and age the person who has the most money from manipulating the news and Internet and electronics and voting machines and stuff has the upper hand. So basically, it boils down to money. Can't live with it, can't live without it... welcome to now.
I'm thinking Mark Rober might get a call from Elon Musk👇
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I remember that now. Pintos were strange cars but not as wacko as Teslas.
Trump us not the problem, he is the RESULT!