Ukraine knows it's in a hole & lives with that daily fighting for its freedoms to live & choose its own destiny. Drumpf just opened a hole & took the bait. 2019 Drumpf Biden call, actual numbers on US aid to UKR, fall out of Saudi talks & approval ratings. Orange man is a BS merchant on all points.
Die uitspraken van Trump zou onze Kamer toch sterk moeten verwerpen. Roep op zijn minst de ambassadeur op het matje ofzo.
This is the start of the end for Trump. His love for Putin is now becoming inescapably apparent for the whole world to see. They will now both crash together. Pray that the collateral damage will be minimized.
I am just saying that the truth is not enough. It takes more for a regime to collapse (e.g. failing economy etc, which may happen in Russia soon, but it seems Tr*mp is giving Putin a lifeline)