If you want to survive maybe don't go to someone else's country with the goals of rape, torture, murder, looting and personal profit from those heinous acts
Well, they WANTED to fight in Ukraine: glad they got their wish fulfilled 😁
Protip: If you don't want to to die in Ukraine for Putin's War, DON'T GO (or immediately surrender if you're sent, so that at least your family will see you again someday NOT in a box or faded photo)
Is incredible how average Russians avoid the obvious conclusion that they don’t need more land and don’t need war. An “empire” of ruins and ashes is pointless.
They seem to have a little more pep in their step since they heard the US is gonna back Russia. Didn’t quite work like that, though! There’s a lot going down like that all over.
Jesus damn them z orcs - they don’t get it or what? F%ck the f%ck out of Ukraine! Or die, once and for all. This is just extra work for everyone involved i am sorry for any waste of Ukrainian nerves, manpower and ammunition to clean after these bloody idiots.
He didn’t.
Narrator: God, however had a different plan.
I hope you are going to hell.
Find out.
Protip: If you don't want to to die in Ukraine for Putin's War, DON'T GO (or immediately surrender if you're sent, so that at least your family will see you again someday NOT in a box or faded photo)